


Obstacles to the Development of Tree Climbing Sport in Taiwan




董至聖(Chi-Sheng Tung)


休閒攀樹 ; 工作攀樹 ; 戶外教育 ; recreational tree climbing ; professional tree climbing ; outdoor education




144期(2018 / 03 / 31)


14 - 24






Tree Climbers International, introduced to Taiwan in 2003, develops techniques and carries out activities related to recreational tree climbing. Even after ten years of development and promotion, unfortunately its influence was not significant until the International Society of Arboriculture introduced its professional tree climbing program in 2012. The arboriculturists made improvements to tools and equipment in Taiwan and formulated operational safety standards to reduce the risk of casualties. This paper aims to discuss the developmental dilemma of tree climbing sport in Taiwan. A review of literature and interviews was conducted, data collecting from literature, interviews, and internet. The resulting data were summarized, analyzed and discussed. Based on the results, the obstacles currently hindering the development of the tree climbing sport are as follows: (1) The tree climbing environment is affected by cognitive concepts. (2) The learning process and equipment are expensive. (3) The sport lacks coaches to promote the fundamental recreational tree climbing. (4) Promoting tree climbing in colleges is difficult. (5) Restrictions on the use of venues by management units and regulations. Four suggestions are proposed for the future development of tree climbing sport in Taiwan: (1) Set up an institution specifically responsible for the tree climbing sport and planning the environment for tree climbing activities. (2) Cooperate with educational institutions promoting outdoor education. (3) Encourage tertiary institutions to set up climbing-related courses. (4) The management units should change the relevant regulations and concepts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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