The anti-doping control plays a critical rule for athletes, coaches, government and organization within internal/oversea sports events. Moreover, anti-doping control regulation is involved basic protection of athletes and also relevant to personal data collection, analysis including athlete's whereabouts reporting system and sample of athletes' blood or urinalysis. It's worthy to discuss three roles involving World Anti-Doping Agency, Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and Chinese Taipei Anti-Doping Agency, three of them impacts a lot for implementation of anti-doping code and practices and need further discussion. The purpose of this article is to take perspectives from athletes' whereabouts data, reports of drug test and result announcement based on Control Yuan's report of 2019 in Taiwan. Throughout real case studies and relevant reliable information from governments, aligns with Taiwan laws; and cross-border transfer of personal data and delegation of power of the public authority to analyze the two key legal issues. Finally, this article suggests to elevate the legal rank to protect the rights of athletes and comply with the principle of legal reservations.
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