


Does organizational structure matter to nurses' turnover and task performance?-A view point in Taiwan's hospital system




劉淑芬(Doresses Liu);高靖秋(Ching-Chiu Kao);楊素月(Su-Yueh Yang)


組織結構 ; 離職 ; 任務績效 ; organizational team structure ; turnover ; task performance




17卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


3 - 12






achieve organizational performance indicators, well-designed systems that ensure effective communication and coordination between departments and integrate resources within healthcare institutions are needed. In addition, nurses' turnover rate is an important indicator of organizational performance, such that a high turnover rate will result in reduced organizational performance. Organizational performance can be evidenced by employees' task performance. The organization structure is thus a foundation of the system. The main purpose of the organizational structure is to control members within an organization in a coordinated manner and in a way that motivates growth, and improves organizational performance. This paper describes characteristics of the organizational structure of Taiwan's healthcare institutions under the scope of the main purpose of the organization structure. In addition, the impact of the characteristic of organizational structures on the nurses' practice environment, intentions to In recent years, changes in healthcare environment occur rapidly in Taiwan. In order to leave, as well as the task performance are discussed.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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