Purpose: To analyze the experience of DNR of patients with NIV. Materials and methods: The research uses the retrospective inspection of electronic medical records to analyze the cases of DNR of the hospitalized patients with NIV from August 1st, 2013 to July 31st, 2015 (2 years in total) Result:The number of DNR patients with NIV totals 324 (37.6%), with an average age of 77.76 (SD=12.64), p=0.003 years old, significantly older than that of patients who have not signed DNR (68.94, SD=13.76). In regards to the length of hospitalization of patients with NIV, patients who have signed DNR average at 6.29 (SD=6.62) days in comparison to that of patient without DNR at 4.27 (SD=4.66) days, p < 0.001. When comparing the mortality rates of the two groups, DNR patients have a higher rate of 54%, higher than that of patient without DNR at 4.8%, p < 0.001. The main reason for patients, a total of 176 people, 54.3%, who have signed DNR to utilize NIV is their refusal of intubation, also known as Do Not Intubate (DNI). The length of the ICU stay of DNR patients at 5.46 (SD=8.89) days is significantly shorter than that of non-DNR patients who average 6.67 (SD=7.74) days, p=0.036. Conclusion: 37.6%. of patients with NIV have signed DNR. The main reason for DNR patients to use NIV is their refusal of having an endotracheal tube (176 people, 54.3%). In addition, the length of hospitalization and mortality rate is significantly longer and higher for DNR patients with NIV than non-DNR patients with NIV. For this reason, the study suggests that the medical personnel should take the advantages and disadvantages of using NIV on patients with and without DNR into consideration and carefully evaluate its cost-effectiveness.
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