


A Preliminary Study on the Attitude of Labor Unions Toward Dispatched Workers in Taiwan and Its Policy Implication




成之約(Chih-Yu Cheng)


派遣勞動 ; 派遣勞工 ; 勞資關係 ; 勞動政策 ; 產業工會 ; Dispatched Work ; Dispatched Workers ; Industrial Relations ; Labor Policies ; Labor Union




20期(2006 / 07 / 01)


97 - 123




在市場供需及勞動彈性化等因素的影響下,「派遣勞動」的發展已經成為一個趨勢。根據研究顯示,無論對於個別或集體勞資關係,「派遣勞動」都或多或少會產生一定的影響。因此,如何因應「派遣勞動」的發展已經成為許多國家勞動政策制定的重要議題。 根據文獻探討與實證研究發現,相較於一般聘僱關係的勞工而言,「派遣勞工」的勞動條件與權益相對較低或較差。因此,如何保障「派遣勞工」的權益,實為值得深入研究的課題。 有鑒於以往有關「派遣勞動」的研究方向與議題,似乎「派遣勞工」與工會之間的有關議題尚未觸及。即便是少數研究著重於「派遣勞工」的探討,重點也多擺在「派遣勞工」勞動條件與權益保障等議題。據此,本文針對台北地區產業工會進行問卷調查,以瞭解產業工會接納「派遣勞工」的態度或意向。藉由這樣的調查與分析,本文進一步對「派遣勞動」發展所產生的問題做深入的瞭解,並對勞動政策的制訂方向提出建議。


Due to the influence of market forces and the strategies of labor flexibility, development of ”dispatched work” has become an inevitable trend. Based on the research findings, ”dispatched work” would cause effects on industrial relations, both individually and collectively. In order to cope with the development of ”dispatched work”, many countries have made a lot of effort on the study of effects of ”dispatched work” and also on the design of labor policies aimed at dealing with ”dispatched work”. Under this circumstance, even though the development of ”dispatched work” in Taiwan is still at its primary stage, the study on effects of ”dispatched work” and its relevant policies shall not be neglected. However, in consideration of research foci currently undertaken on ”dispatched work” in Taiwan, the attitude of labor unions toward ”dispatched workers” would be chosen as the main topic of discussion for the essay. In other words, through an empirical survey on labor unions in Taipei area, this essay is intended to sketch what the attitude of labor unions would be toward ”dispatched workers” and what the obstacles for dispatched workers would be to exert their right to participate in labor unions. To sum up, objectives of this essay include: 1. Exploring the attitude of labor unions toward ”dispatched workers”. 2. Exploring the intention of labor unions to accept ”dispatched workers” as members. 3. Based upon the above-mentioned findings, making policy suggestions about how to protect the right of dispatched workers to participate in labor unions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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