


The Construct of the Campus Organizational Climate for Creativity and the Teachers' Creativity Performance: Another "New Cloth of the King"?


邱皓政(Haw-Jeng Chiou)


校園創新氣氛 ; 組織氣氛 ; 創造力 ; 創造的社會心理學 ; creativity performance ; organizational climate for creativity at campus ; the social psychology of creativity




15期(2002 / 09 / 01)


191 - 224




為培養學生的創造力,建構一個充滿自由、開放、人本、創造、適性的學習成長環境是一個重要的工作。本研究針對中等學校教職人員進行實地研究,以了解校園環境中對於學校教職員創意行為的助長或妨礙因素。研究的進行採取訪談法與自由反應問卷法,藉以瞭解校園組織運作對於個人創意表現的環境影響因素,並進行案例追蹤及整理。總計完成中等學校教職員18人的訪問與82位教職員的自由反應問卷資料,抽取出764筆反應詞類。資料的整理分析發現,台灣地區高中職校園的創意氣氛之形成,主要受到「工作與任務的特質」、「教育政策與社會風氣」、「組識結構與運作機制」、「人際互動」等幾個主要因素的影響。從組織內部的因素來看,校長「守門人」角色的發揮,以及師生間的緊密互動,對於教職員的創新行為有著相當重要且直接的影響;而組織是否重視團隊運作、鼓勵及提供學習成長機會、供給充份的資源如時間、設備等,也是校園組織創新氣氛形塑的重要因素。從外部的影響來看,本土教育改革運動的推展,相當程度影響校園組織運作,並反映在校園對創造性氣氛的重視上。最後,本文除了提出「校園組織創新歷程整合模式」來整理研究發現之外,並討論當前校園組織風氣的變遷趨勢,是為台灣打造一個創造力國度(Republic of Creativity),還是只是一件國王的新衣?


An open, human-based, and creative learning environment is critical for incubating creativity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of the school organizational environment on the high school teacher's creative performances. A field study is designed to investigate the creative organizational climate and related influential factors at Taiwan's high school campus, by using interview and open-ended questionnaire. Interviewees were 18 teachers, principles, and administer, who were purposively selected from different types of high schools. The open-ended questionnaire was administrated to 82 high school teachers and administers for collecting their opinions about the influential factors on campus's creative climate. Results indicated that the educational reform in Taiwan and organizational structure have significant influences on campus's creative climate; the organizational structure, administration policies, leaders' efficiency, team work, job redesign, and communication system may influence employee's creative performance at campus. An integrative model of organizational creativity at campus based on the finding of this current study was proposed at the end. Discussion also involved the issue of that the Republic of Creativity, a movement pushed by Ministry of Education in Taiwan, may be a kind of ”the new cloth of the king”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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