


Experiences of Individual Supervision in the Counseling Practicum at National Kaohsiung Normal University (NKNU)


卓紋君(Wen-Chun Cho);黃進南(Jinn-Nan Hwang)


諮商實習 ; 個別督導 ; 受督導者經驗 ; counseling practicum ; individual supervision ; supervisees experiences




18期(2003 / 06 / 01)


179 - 206






This study investigated 85 graduate students at the Graduate Institute of Counseling and Guidance at NKNU about their experiences of being supervised. Participants reported that the individual supervision was helpful for them.. ANOVA analyses showed that those who were in a regular graduate program scored higher on the enhancement of counseling profession than those who were in a night graduate program. Students whose supervisors took 40 credit-hours courses at the counseling program reported to receive less counseling information than those whose supervisors had a master's degree, or a doctoral degree. or were studying in a doctoral program. We also found that the most frequently used method was instructing, followed by case-report, modeling, video/audio tapes, role-playing, live supervision, and one-way mirror or a monitor. Further information was collected regarding benefits and difficulties of the individual supervision and suggestions for the counseling training program.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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