


The Study of Caring and Dialogue in Small Group Learning


蔣欣欣(Hsien-Hsien Chiang);陳美碧(Mei-Bih Chen);許樹珍(Shuh-Jen Sheu)


對話 ; 關懷 ; 自我 ; 小組教學 ; 人本教育 ; 護理教育 ; dialogue ; caring ; self ; small group learning ; humanistic education ; nursing education




18期(2003 / 06 / 01)


207 - 225






Within the context of humanistic nursing education, the intensive group experience could facilitate students' constructive learning, growth, and change. To explore the nursing students' caring attitude learning in a psychiatric unit, this study sought to find how the small groups transformed the self through dialogues. The authors, as facilitators of the group, conducted the students and patients groups to facilitate this kind of learning. The small group learning held for students immediately after the students observed the interactional process of inpatients' group. The students' groups were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. At the same time, personal journal of group facilitators and group members were written to improve the credibility of the data. Using phenomenological approach, four themes emerged to represent how self could be transformed from the interacting with others in the group: (1) cultivating interpersonal sensitivity to promote self understanding, (2) inducing the inner work to find the existential meaning of presence, (3) recalling the personal experience to empathize others, (4) being authentic to recaptulate primary family experience. Both the multiplicity of learning environments and the reflection of group facilitators and members were fully discussed as ways of eliciting caring attitude from the small group learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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