


Conflict in Organizations and Conflict Management: A Critical Review


鄭弘岳(Hung-Yueh Cheng)


組織內衝突 ; 衝突類型 ; 衝突過程 ; 衝突解決 ; 衝突管理 ; 華人文化 ; conflict in organizations ; conflict type ; conflict processes ; conflict resolution ; conflict management.




20期(2003 / 12 / 01)


53 - 82






This paper reviews literature in the West and Taiwan regarding conflict within organizations in the past two decades. In general, Western researchers focused more on dyadic level issues such as conflict sources, conflict types, conflict processes, and conflict resolutions. However, indigenous studies on organizational conflict in the Chinese context have started in Taiwan recently. This paper also pointes out the main research directions of western studies and discusses implications of the Chinese culture on conflict in organizations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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