


From We-group to He-group: My Journal with the Migrants


龔尤倩(Lorna Kung)


外勞 ; 經驗反思 ; 行動研究 ; migrant workers ; reflection ; action research




26期(2005 / 06 / 01)


189 - 216




外籍勞工,因為母國的經濟弱勢而飄洋過海出賣廉價勞動力,在台灣勞動市場中墊底、在社會對待上被邊緣化、污名化。筆者從基層勞工運動出發,在累積五年的工會經驗後,投入長達六年的外勞組織工作中,經驗了體制內外不同的工作位置,也經驗了廠場外勞與家庭類外勞,不同群聚的生態與困境。勞動輸出入國雙方國家機器與資本的結合,形塑了外籍勞工複雜的生存處境,經濟處境上升的假象牽制著外籍勞工的意識與行動。在筆者六年與外勞貼身的生命經驗中,是一段工作者與「服務」對象的交互「運動」與「改變」的歷程,這一段投身置入的歷程,開拓了筆者的自我改造,以及對於外勞問題叢結結構的社會認識。 本文立基於筆者的實務經驗,試著透過所接觸的各種個案,揭露在台灣不同外勞群聚的社會處境,複雜的勞僱關係與勞資盤算,及外勞的自我想望與行動;同時紀錄作為一個外勞工作實踐者的行動實踐思考過程與分析,以及對於筆者生命課題的衝擊與影響。「他眾到我眾」,象徵筆者與外勞群眾關係的翻牆越界,與來自兩組不同社會體的生命衝撞與挑戰。在各種社會服務工作者與「案主」之間,無論是個別或社會集體關係與挑戰,本文或許可提供一些參照。


Many migrant workers sell their cheap labor in Taiwan because of a relatively weaker economy in their own countries. For that reason, they are often marginalized and stigmatized in this foreign land. In this article, the author tells the story of her personal journal from a trade union activist to a migrant worker specialist. In the past 6 years, in order to reach out migrant workers in Taiwan, she undertook many work positions both inside and outside the establishment. This gave her opportunity to understand the different working and living conditions of migrant factory workers and domestic helpers. Eventually, she also came to understand how their self-awareness and actions to fight against exploitation have been conditioned and restricted by many factors, including the conspiracy between capitalists and labor exporting-importing state apparatus. In short, the author argues that not only did she make influences on the migrant workers movement in this country; the people she committed to ”serve” transformed her, too. It is fair to say that this is truly a journey of self-reformation. The title of the article, ”From He-group to We-group”, indicates that this is a story about how a dedicated trade union activist and the migrant workers she worked for have successfully come beyond their own boundaries and transformed each other. The author also argues that this can serve a point of departure for reflection for anyone who has committed himself or herself to the cause of social services on the nature of the relation between their ”service” and the people he or she claims to ”serve”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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