


Paternalistic Leadership and Subordinate Stress in Taiwanese Enterprises


趙安安(An-An Chao);高尚仁(Henry S.R. Kao)


威權領導 ; 仁慈領導 ; 德行領導 ; 壓力源 ; 壓力反應 ; paternalistic leadership ; perceived work stressor ; job strains




27期(2005 / 09 / 01)


111 - 131






This study set out to explore the influence of Chinese paternalistic leadership on the subordinate stress in Taiwanese enterprises. Paternalistic leadership (PL), based on Chinese traditional culture and vitally different from the western leadership theories, is still prevalent in all kinds of modern Chinese organizations despite the passage of time. Authoritarianism, benevolence, and moral leadership constituted the PL triad model. The present study hypothesized that in Taiwanese enterprises authoritarianism leadership would be a perceived work stressor to evoke subordinate job strains, nevertheless, which would be alleviated by the moderating effect of benevolence and moral leadership. The valid sample of 216 workers was surveyed and later 48 of them received psychophysiological assessment. Results showed that, perceived as a source of work stress, authoritarian leadership increased the activation of sympathetic nervous system as well as decreased subordinate job satisfaction, physical and mental health; however, such negative influences could be partially alleviated by the moderating effect of benevolence and moral leadership.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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