


The Story of an Intern Teacher and Reflective Teaching in the Regulations of Intern Teaching


郭至和(Chih-Ho Kuo);楊筱培(Xiao-Pei Yang)


反省教學 ; 實習教師 ; 實習輔導教師 ; mentor teacher ; reflective teaching ; intern teacher




27期(2005 / 09 / 01)


167 - 194




本文首先呈現一名實習教師一年來,在班上實施分組教學的情形,藉由此反省教學的歷程之中,可以從實習老師的故事思考實習教師角色定位及所面臨的困境,會有這一些思考問題的呈現,有很大的原因是我們採取反省教學的方式來促進彼此的專業成長。因此,本文第二部分就以該實習教師在這一年實習的經驗作為「引子」,探討現今實習制度中實習教師及實習輔導教師的角色及定位問題,並分析反省教學在實習過程中可以運用的方向,最後並提出一些省思的問題。 綜而言之,本文主要目的有二:第一,從實際的教學場域之中,分析實習輔導教師及實習教師在目前師資培育制度之下所面臨到的問題,以供未來實習制度能發揮更大的功效。第二,探討該名實習輔導教師與實習教師採取反省教學的策略及運用情形,以便更進一步思考反省教學在師資培育過程中所應注意的要點。


The present article consists two parts. Firstly, the story of a intern teacher is presented. In the story, she adjusts, modifies, and reconstructs her own instructional thoughts and strategies about grouping continually in class. One of the major facilitator is that the guidance strategies used by a mentor teacher and the reflective teaching of a intern teacher in a primary school. In the second section of this article, some issues about the role and position of intern teacher and mentor teacher are discussed. To sum up, two goals are achieved in this article. Firstly, it explored some issues about intern teacher applying reflective teaching in her one-year elementary internship. Next, it analyzed various strategies used by mentor teacher and intern teacher in reflective teaching.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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