


Couple Resilience to Life Stress: The Role of Marital Affection and Interaction


利翠珊(Tsui-Shan Li);蕭英玲(Ying-Ling Hsiao)


婚姻韌性 ; 生活壓力 ; 夫妻情感 ; 互動行為 ; couple resilience ; life stress ; marital affection ; marital interaction




38期(2008 / 06 / 01)


151 - 172




本研究的目的在探討夫妻在生活的壓力下如何展現其婚姻關係中的韌性,瞭解壓力下仍能過得好的夫妻是否擁有不同程度的情感及展現不一樣的互動行為?本研究對居住在台北縣市夫妻進行問卷調查,在有效樣本352對夫妻中,篩選出215對在過去一年中曾經歷過重大生活改變的夫妻,先採用集群分析,針對夫妻的婚姻滿意度及穩定度進行分群,區辨有壓力夫妻婚姻關係的類型,再以多變量變異數分析的方式,檢驗不同集群中的夫妻在情感及互動行為各面向上的差異,最後以逐步法之邏輯斯迴歸分析(stepwise logistic regression)探索何種面向之情感及互動行為對夫妻落在不同集群的機率有顯著的影響。 集群分析的結果顯示,本研究的夫妻可分為「高韌力」(高滿意、高穩定)及「低韌力」(低滿意、低穩定)兩個集群。多變量變異數分析的結果顯示,高韌力的夫妻知覺到配偶的恩情、與配偶的親密程度均比低韌力夫妻的感受較強。高韌力婚姻中的丈夫在犧牲意願、忍讓行為、及衝突處理模式上與低韌力婚姻中的丈夫皆有顯著差異。他們較願意選擇放棄參與一些配偶不喜歡的活動;此外,他們也比較會用壓抑承受順應及冷靜理性的行為來處理雙方意見的不一致,而較少用外顯衝突的行為來面對。高低韌力婚姻中的妻子在犧牲意願及忍讓行為之各面向上並無顯著差異,不過在衝突處理模式上可發現妻子在面對夫妻歧見時比較少用直接外顯衝突的行為。逐步法之邏輯斯迴歸分析的結果也顯示,夫妻情感及外顯衝突的行為是預測高低韌力婚姻的主要因子。


This study had two purposes: (1) to identify married couples'resilience profiles, and (2) to examine specific interactional characteristics that spouses might have to protect their marital relationships against life stress. Of the 352 married couples from Taipei city and county participated in this study, 215 had experienced one of 49 stressful life events during the past year. Cluster analyses of married dyads' martial satisfaction and marital stability generated two groups: high resiliencey (high satisfaction and stability) and low resiliencey (low satisfaction and stability). Multivariate analyses of variance indicated that married couples who were classified indifferent groups could be distinguished according to their affection and interactional characteristics. Both spouses in the ”high resiliencey” group had a higher level of en-qing and intimacy than the counterparts. Husbands in the ”high resiliencey” group tended to be willing not to engage in certain activities their spouses didn't like for maintaining their marital relationships. Husbands were also more likely to endure and calmly discuss with their spouse in dealing with marital disagreements. Wives in the ”high resiliency” group were less likely to use direct confrontation in solving their marital problems. The stepwise logistic regression model revealed that marital affection and confrontational behaviors were two major factors that predicted the odds of being high or low resiliency groups.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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