


The Effect of Chinese Work Values and Person and Work Fit on Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment


王叢桂(Chung-Kwei Wang);羅國英(Kuo-Ying Lo)


工作滿意度 ; 價值與工作契合度 ; 組織情感承諾度 ; chinese work values ; job satisfaction ; organization commitment ; person-work fit




48期(2010 / 12 / 01)


199 - 238






The present study aimed to explore if work type and work-value fit can be used to predict job satisfaction and organization commitment in workers in China and Taiwan. A self-developed Chinese work objective and instrumental value scale based on K. S. Yang’s 2004 ”bicultural elf” was used, and it was found that work objective and instrumental value are more related to job satisfaction than organization commitment, to which intrinsic rewards show higher correlations than extrinsic ones. Results of regression analyses yielded different models for predicting job satisfaction and organization commitment when using work-value fit as a predictor. Job satisfaction predictors centralize around personal approaches toward work-values fit, while organization commitment predictors include both personal and social approaches. The results demonstrate construct validity for the newly-developed scale as well as support for the inferences made based on the existing literature and Chinese characteristics, including the assumption that Job satisfaction and organization commitment may be affected by different value-evaluation processes. Individual-oriented intrinsic self-actualization, spiritual development values, extrinsic material reward, autonomous life values, social oriented social respect and trustful relationship values can be used as predictors of organization commitment, as well as positive and aggressive work-values fit, curiosity, and open-mindedness. Positive and aggressive work-values, curiosity, and open-mindedness can significantly predict job satisfaction. Positive and aggressive work-values, curiosity, open-mindedness, reliability and self-discipline values can significantly predict organization commitment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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