


From Private to Public: Resistant and Transformative Actions in Educational Inquiry


廉兮(Nancy Lien)


行動研究 ; 教師增能 ; 草根民主 ; 社會實踐 ; 基進教育 ; action research ; teacher empowerment ; radical democracy ; social praxis ; grass-root and radical education




53期(2012 / 03 / 01)


21 - 45






The present study explored the notion of praxis imbedded in action research. Action research in Taiwan in the 90's was driven by polarized directions: Top-down national reform and bottom-up grass root approaches. The former intended to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching, while the latter intended to meet the interests of the teachers who fought back the top-down reform movement. The article illustrated the path of social emancipation taken by teachers who were social activists in the school reform movement in Taiwan, and discussed the theoretical ground of action research. Action research, as critical social inquiry, offers teachers an opportunity to look into the loneliness, pain, and alienation associated with their teaching careers in the Taiwan school system. The results of the study indicated that teacher activists' engagement in the education movement changed their knowledge of the self and society. Social inquiry transformed the teachers from private concerned persons to social actors. The teachers learned to take civil actions, formed learning groups, and participated in public dialogues. In the process of awakening, the teachers achieved both freedom and justice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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