


A Comparative Study of Work Values among College Youths: A Perspective of Higher Education Developmental Context and Gender Difference


林淑慧(Shu-Huei Lin);黃良志(Liang-Chih Huang)


工作價值觀 ; 性別差異 ; 高等教育 ; higher education ; gender difference ; work values




58期(2013 / 06 / 01)


103 - 142






The purpose of this study was to explore the different rankings of work values among youths in different development stages of higher education and faced with different situations within the Taiwanese labor market. Based on the various development contexts of education environment, tests were employed to discover how the dimensions of terminal values and instrumental values have changed concerns of the youth. Results showed that the youths who studied in college before 2001 emphasized more on extrinsic rewards than their counterparts of after 2001. Also, compared to the ranking of work values among three generations that studied in college between 1967 to 1987, it was found that the values of ”peace and harmony” has increased over time. These dimensions represent stability and security of life, as well as harmony of interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, with regard to instrumental values, youths who studied in college after the year of 2001 value justice and self-discipline more than their counterparts of after 2001. According to the mean score of each dimension of work values, the change of the ranking of work values among youths with higher education in different generations showed that younger workers regard loyalty and justice as the primary values to achieve personal goals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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