


The Relationship between Personal-System Factors and Self-initiated Expatriates' Willingness Regarding Mainland China: Family and Organizational Support as Moderators


吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu);陸洛(Luo Lu);楊曉薇(Hsiao-Wei Yang);林奇皓(Qi-Hao Lin)


外派職涯承諾 ; 文化智商 ; 自願外派中國意願 ; 家庭支持 ; 組織支持 ; expatriate career commitment ; cultural intelligence ; self-initiated expatriate willingness to Mainland China ; family support ; organizational support




59期(2013 / 12 / 01)


81 - 126






The aim of this research was to identify characteristics of employees who are willing to work in Mainland China voluntarily. To test hypotheses, we conducted a questionnaire survey among Taiwanese full-time employees in industries that have promising opportunities to enter markets in Mainland China, namely financial services, electronic information technology, and manufacturing. A total of 598 participants returned usable responses making the valid response rate 87.94%. The results showed that employees who were unmarried, holding managerial positions and those who had less work experiences would be more willing to work in Mainland China voluntarily. Furthermore, employees who had stronger expatriate career commitment and higher cultural intelligence had stronger self-initiated expatriate willingness. Finally, organizational support could strengthen the relationship between expatriate career commitment and self-initiated expatriate willingness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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