The aims of the study was to explore the effects of a tobacco prevention education intervention on the knowledge of tobacco hazards, attitudes toward smoking, life skills, possible use of refusal skill, and self-efficacy among elementary school students. The subjects were fifth-grade students from two purposively selected schools in Taipei City. The study was quasi-experimental in nature. The total number of valid subject was 165. The data was collected via a self-administrated questionnaire between October, 2003 and September, 2004.
The main findings were presented as follows:
1. The preventive intervention significantly increased knowledge of tobacco, attitudes toward smoking, life skills, management of pressure among the experimental group, in terms of immediate effect and delay effects. The intervention significantly increased self-efficacy among the experimental group in terms of delay effect.
2. Compared with the two control groups, the intervention could significantly increase the knowledge of tobacco hazards among the experimental group, both in terms of immediate and delay effects.
3. The intervention could significantly increase the attitudes toward smoking among the experimental group compared with the two control groups in terms of immediate effect. However, significant difference of attitudes toward smoking only existed between the experimental and another school control group in terms of delay effect.
It was suggested that schools should design curriculum to assist fifth- to sixth-grade students to resist smoking pressures and strengthen their anti-smoking beliefs. Also, preventive efforts should involve parents in school program to enhance protective factors of smoking among their children.
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