


Study on a Tobacco Preventive Education Intervention among the Fifth-Grade Students in Taipei City




廖信榮(Hsin-Jung Liao);李景美(Ching-Mei Lee);何文雀(Wen-Chueh Ho);顏麗娟(Lisa Yen);林世華(Sieh-Hwa Lin);苗迺芳(Nae-Fang Miao);龍芝寧(Chih-Ning Lung)


學生 ; 吸菸 ; 菸害 ; 預防 ; 教育 ; student ; smoking ; tobacco hazard ; prevention ; education




47期(2005 / 12 / 01)


25 - 52




本研究之目的為探討菸害預防教育介入對國小學生的菸害認知、吸菸態度、拒菸生活技巧、拒菸自我效能和拒菸行為的成效。本研究採用準實驗設計方式,以立意取樣方式選擇台北市兩所國小五年級學生為研究對象,一所學校為實驗學校,在實驗學校中抽出兩班學生,進行菸害預防教育介入,另再抽兩個班級作為校內對照組;另一所學校為對照組學校,抽取兩班學生,作為校外對照組。有效樣本人數共計165人。教育介入的時間是92年10-11月與93年3-4月,進行上、下學期各四節課(合計八節)的教育介入。 結果發現經教育介入後,實驗組學生的吸菸知識、吸菸態度、生活技巧和壓力調適技巧約有明顯的增加,立即效果和延宕效果均達顯著差異。在教育介入延宕效果方面,實驗組的「拒菸自我效能」有明顯增加,且達顯著差異。 在實驗組與控制組的比較方面,就教育介入的立即效果而言,教育介入使實驗組學生的吸菸知識、態度顯著高於校內對照組與校外對照組;就延宕效果而言,教育介入使實驗組學生的吸菸知識得分顯著高於校內對照組與校外對照組;實驗組的吸菸態度得分亦顯著高於校外對照組,但未顯著高於校內對照組。有吸菸經驗的學生人數很少,大部分學生都有拒菸行為。 本研究建議國小階段應該有完整的菸害預防課程,在國小五年級到六年級各學期皆能安排2-3節課的菸害預防教學內容,以協助國小學童勇於向菸說不,遠離菸害,並建議學校應該結合家庭力量,共同培養學童的拒菸意識與行動,創造無菸健康的校園環境。


The aims of the study was to explore the effects of a tobacco prevention education intervention on the knowledge of tobacco hazards, attitudes toward smoking, life skills, possible use of refusal skill, and self-efficacy among elementary school students. The subjects were fifth-grade students from two purposively selected schools in Taipei City. The study was quasi-experimental in nature. The total number of valid subject was 165. The data was collected via a self-administrated questionnaire between October, 2003 and September, 2004. The main findings were presented as follows: 1. The preventive intervention significantly increased knowledge of tobacco, attitudes toward smoking, life skills, management of pressure among the experimental group, in terms of immediate effect and delay effects. The intervention significantly increased self-efficacy among the experimental group in terms of delay effect. 2. Compared with the two control groups, the intervention could significantly increase the knowledge of tobacco hazards among the experimental group, both in terms of immediate and delay effects. 3. The intervention could significantly increase the attitudes toward smoking among the experimental group compared with the two control groups in terms of immediate effect. However, significant difference of attitudes toward smoking only existed between the experimental and another school control group in terms of delay effect. It was suggested that schools should design curriculum to assist fifth- to sixth-grade students to resist smoking pressures and strengthen their anti-smoking beliefs. Also, preventive efforts should involve parents in school program to enhance protective factors of smoking among their children.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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  1. 劉冠儀(Kuan-Yi Liu);廖容瑜(Jung-Yu Liao);張文琪(Wen-Chi Chang);劉芳怡(Fang-Yi Liu);呂莉婷(Li-Ting Lu)(2021)。「青春無菸煙」校園電子煙危害防制教學活動之成效初探。教育科學研究期刊。66(4)。167-182。