


Investigating Influences of Injured Degree of Motorcycle Traffic Accident among Adolescent in Taipei City




沈希哲(Hsi-Che Shen);黃松元(Song-Yuan Huang);兵逸儂(Yi-Nung Ping);陳正誠(Zheng-Cheng Chen);史璦溱(Ai-Zhen Shi)


青少年 ; 機車 ; 交通事故傷害 ; adolescent ; motorcycle ; traffic injury




55期(2009 / 12 / 01)


19 - 39




本研究採橫斷式調查研究法,探討臺北巿15~24歲青少年機車事故傷害狀況及傷害程度之相關因素。本研究採立意取樣,分別針對臺北巿三家急救責任醫院機車事故受傷之164名青少年,蒐集即時或迴溯性的資料。研究結果重要發現如下: 一、研究對象社會人口學方面,性別、年齡、身份等變項與機車事故傷害程度有顯著關聯。 二、研究對象事故當時狀況方面,天氣、從事活動與受傷地點等變項與機車事故傷害程度有顯著關聯。 三、研究對象受傷狀況與部位方面,受傷部位為頭頸部與受傷狀況為骨折等變項與機車事故傷害程度有顯著關聯。 四、研究對象騎乘機車行為方面,機車角色、有無機車駕照、機車時速、安全帽有無脫落、行為是否疏忽、是否依照號誌標線行駛等變項與機車事故傷害程度有顯著關聯。 五、探討社會人口學變項、事故當時狀況、受傷部位與狀況、騎乘機車行為對機車事故傷害程度的預測力時,其整體模式之關聯強度係數為Nagelkerke R2=.546,顯示自變項與依變項間有中度的關係存在。由個別參數之顯著性指標來看,「年齡」、「身份」、「從事活動」、「受傷地點」等為預測研究對象機車事故傷害程度之主要因素,而其中以研究對象之「身份」最具預測力。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the related factors of traumas of motorcycle traffic accidents survivors and injury severity among young adults-namely 15 to 24-year-olds-in Taipei City using the cross-sectional survey. Subjects of our study were made up of 164 teenagers who underwent motorcycle accident-related emergency treatment at three municipal hospitals in Taipei, and we itemized the information we gleaned for immediate and retrospective data registers. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. As for research subjects' social demography, the variables such as gender, age, identity have salient correlation with the injured degree of motorcycle accident. 2. As for research subjects' contemporary situation of accident, the variables such as the weather situations, doing what activity and injured place have salient correlation with the injured degree of motorcycle accident. 3. As for the injured situations and locations of research subjects, the variables such as the injured location is head/neck and the injured situation is fracture have salient correlation with the injured degree of motorcycle accident. 4. As for the research subjects' motorcycle riding behavior, the variables such as role of motorcycle, whether having motorcycle driver's license, speed of motorcycle, whether losing of helmet, whether the behavior is neglecting and whether complying with traffic signals and lines have salient correlation with the injured degree of motorcycle accident. 5. While exploring the predictive ability of social demography, contemporary situation of accident, injured locations and situations, motorcycle riding behavior towards the injured degree of motorcycle accident, the correlation strength coefficient of overall model is Nagelkerke R2=.546 showing that there exists medium relationship between dependent variable and in dependent variable. In view of the salience indicators of individual parameter, ”age”, ”identity”, ”doing what activity”, ”injured place” which are the main factors for predicting the research subjects' injured degree of motorcycle accident, among them, ”identity” has the strongest predictive ability.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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