


The Relationship between Dietary Behavior and Cognition of School Dietary Policy and Environment among Technologic University Students




何智靖(Chih-Chin Ho);賴香如(Hsiang-Ru Lai);姚友雅(Yu-Ya Yao)


技術學院學生 ; 飲食行為 ; 學校飲食政策認知 ; 學校飲食環境認知 ; technologic university students ; dietary behavior ; school dietary policy ; school dietary environment




55期(2009 / 12 / 01)


67 - 86




本研究目的在瞭解技術學院學生的飲食行為與其學校飲食政策認知、學校飲食環境認知的關係。以苗栗縣某技術學院一至三年級學生為母群,採分層隨機抽樣方式選取699人進行自填式問卷調查,回收有效問卷669份(回收率95.7%)。所得資料以單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關和複廻歸分析法進行統計。 研究主要發現:1.研究對象的飲食行為尚可,吃早餐行為最好,吃水果行為最差。2.研究對象對學校飲食政策認知不佳。3.研究對象對學校飲食物質環境認知佳,且負向學校飲食物質環境認知高於正向學校飲食物質環境認知。4.研究對象對同學、師長之學校飲食社會環境認知偏低。5.飲食行為與學校飲食政策認知、正向學校飲食物質環境認知、學校飲食社會環境認知呈正相關;而與負向學校飲食物質環境認知呈負相關。6.學校飲食政策認知和學校飲食環境認知可解釋飲食行為21%的變異量,其中又以同學學校飲食社會環境認知為最重要預測變項。 本研究建議:為養成大學生的良好飲食行為,宜增強同儕的學校飲食社會環境、減少負向學校飲食物質環境,以及提升正向學校飲食物質環境。


The purpose of this study was to assess dietary behavior, cognitions of school dietary policy and environment among college students. Using stratified random sampling, 699 subjects were selected from freshmen, sophomores, and junior college students of a business school in Miaoli, Taiwan. Six hundred sixty nine students (95.7% response rate) provided valid data with a structured questionnaire. One-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. The major findings were listed as follows: 1. Dietary behavior of the subjects was good. Eating breakfast was the best one and fruit consumption was the worst one. 2. The subjects were not aware of school dietary policy. 3. The subjects recognized school dietary physical environment well. However, they knew negative school dietary physical environment better than positive school dietary physical environment. 4. Supports for good dietary behavior from peers and school faculty were both below average. 5. The cognitions of school dietary policy, positive school dietary physical environment, and school dietary social environment were positively associated with dietary behavior. However, the cognition of negative school dietary physical environment is negatively associated with dietary behavior. 6. The cognitions of school dietary policy and environment could explain dietary behavior with 23% variance. The most influential factor was support for good dietary behavior from peers. We recommend that schools enhance peer support for good dietary behavior, decrease negative school dietary physical environment, and increase positive school dietary physical environments to cultivate good dietary behavior among college students.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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