


A Study of the Relationship between Sugar-sweetened Beverages and Obesity among High School Students in Taipei




葉麗芳(Li-Fang Yeh);陳政友(Cheng-Yu Chen);郭李堂(Li-Tang Kuo)


飲用含糖飲料 ; 肥胖 ; 完全中學學生 ; sugar-sweetened beverages ; obesity ; high school student




55期(2009 / 12 / 01)


87 - 105




台灣地區青少年肥胖的盛行率愈來愈高,而攝取含糖飲料可能是導致肥胖的重要原因。本研究以橫斷性調查研究法,分析完全中學學生飲用含糖飲料相關因素與肥胖之關係。以台北市某完全中學全體學生為母群體,以分層集束隨機抽樣方式,取得有效樣本為746人,並以飲用含糖飲料相關因素調查表、飲用含糖飲料熱量紀錄表和體位測量為工具。本研究之主要結果如下: 一、研究對象含糖飲料一週的平均飲用量為3342㏄,飲用總熱量平均為1370大卡。而研究對象肥胖的盛行率為14%。 二、研究對象之性別、學習階段、每週零用錢、飲用含糖飲料結果期望、拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能等能有效預測飲用含糖飲料每週總熱量(其中可解釋13%的總變異量),且以拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能的解釋力最大。 三、在預測研究對象之肥胖方面,以性別、學習階段、飲用含糖飲料每週總熱量最能有意義的預測其肥胖,且以學習階段對肥胖的影響最大。發現男性、國中生、飲用含糖飲料愈多者,愈會傾向肥胖。 根據研究結果,本研究建議學校和家長增強家庭中妥善使用零用錢的觀念,以減少飲用含糖飲料行為,後續研究宜進行介入性研究並追蹤肥胖發生情形,作為未來相關研究之參考。


The prevalence of obesity among Taiwanese adolescent is very high and growing. Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), particularly carbonated soft drinks, may be a key contributor to the epidemic of obesity. This is a cross sectional study designed to investigate the intake of SSBs among high school students and to examine the relationship between the associated factors of SSBs and obesity. The study consisted of 746 subjects selected by using cluster sampling from a high school of Taipei city in 2007. Data were collected by a self-administrated questionnaire, with body weight and body height measurements obtained in the school. The major findings were as follows: 1. The prevalence of obesity in the study subjects by body mass index was 14%. The weekly average consumption of SSBs was 3342cc, and 1370 Kcal. 2. The variances of SSBs consumption could be explained by sex, school grades, weekly spending money, outcome expectancy of SSBs, self-efficacy of refusing SSBs (13% in SSBs calories of weekly intake). The most important predictor toward SSBs consumption was self-efficacy of refusing SSBs. 3. The significant prediction of obesity could be explained by sex, school grades and intake SSBs calories. The most important predictor factor of obesity was the school grades. The boy students, junior high school grade and larger SSBs intake calories were tendency to obesity. Results obtained from this study provide further advice that can be given to schools and parents to discourage the vending of SSBs and adequate usage of pocket money in high school students. Futher studies exploring the relationship between SSBs consumption and obesity may be done.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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