


Study on optimal living profile and its related factors among university students in HsinChu City




陳淑惠(Shu-Hui Chen);苗迺芳(Nae-Fang Miao);林志遠(Chin-Yuan Lin);胡益進(Yih-Jin Hu);劉芳(Megan F. Liu)


大學生 ; 最佳生活溉況 ; 改善健康意圖 ; 改善健康自信 ; university students ; Optimal Living Profile ; health improve intention ; health improve self-confidence




71期(2017 / 12 / 01)


53 - 73




本研究在探討新竹市某綜合大學生的最佳生活概況及其預測因子,藉以提出相關建議,以新竹市某綜合大學20歲的大學生爲研究對象,使用自填式問卷收集資料,共有5個學院246名學生的問卷進行分析。研究結果摘述如下:一、研究對象以20歲女生居多,大部分沒有宗教信仰,就讀管理學院居多;以居住學校宿舍,沒有打工者較多。二、研究對象的最佳生活概況,得分最高爲情緒健康,其他依序爲智力健康、心靈健康、環境健康、社交健康及身體健康。三、研究對象改善健康的意圖,改善健康的自信分別與最佳生活概況呈正相關(r-0.22~0.46,p <.01)。研究對象的個人背景變項,改善健康的意圖和改善健康的自信能有效預測其最佳生活概況各分量表,並可解釋其總變異量的15.0%-36.8%。根據研究結果,建議學校、家庭及個人可藉由同儕的力量鼓勵大學生多參加不同類型的健康促進活動,並設計多元創新的活動提供學生選擇,以增強其對提升健康的意圖和自信,而達到最佳的生活概況。


This study investigated the Optimal Living Profile and its predictive factors among university students, in an attempt to make recommendations. The participants are undergraduate students who are over 20 years old and recruited from an university located in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. 246 effective data were collected via self-administered questionnaires, including students from 5 different colleges in this university. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. The majority of students were females over 20 years old without religious belief, and most of them enrolled in the College of Management while living in the school dormitory without a part-time job. 2. The highest Optimal Living Profile for the students was the emotional wellness, followed by intellectual wellness, spiritual wellness, environmental wellness, social wellness, and physical wellness. 3. The research objective of both intention and self-confidence to improve the health were positively correlated with Optimal Living Profile ( r = 0.22~0.46, p < .01). The background variable, health improve intention and health improve self-confidence can effectively predict the Optimal Living Profile and explain 15.0% to 36.8% of the total variance. Based on the above results, it is recommended that universities, families and individuals can encourage students to participate in different types of health promotion activities through peer and can design multiple innovative activities for students to choose. These strategies can enhance intentions and self-confidence to improve health among students and further achieve the best of life.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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