


A Study of Authoritarian Leadership among Baseball Coaches and Its Effects on Players' Comparison of Professional and Amateur Baseball Players




康正男(Cheng-Nan Kang)


威權領導 ; 棒球 ; 領導信任 ; 滿意度 ; authoritarian leadership ; baseball ; trust in leadership ; level of satisfaction




8卷1期(2006 / 03 / 31)


112 - 123






This study explored the effect of authoritarian leadership of baseball coaches on professional and amateur baseball players' trust in and level of satisfaction with their leadership. The subjects of this study were composed of 345 baseball players, 149 from Taiwan's six professional baseball teams and 196 from six collegiate teams. They were asked to complete forms covering authoritarian leadership of baseball coaches, trust in coaches' leadership, and job satisfaction. The results showed that disciplinarian leadership among coaches had the effect of increasing players' trust in their leadership as well as promoting satisfaction with their leadership ability and increasing players' satisfaction with their own performance and that of their teams. On the other hand, prescriptive leadership of coaches had the effect of damaging the quality of the relationship between coaches and players, decreased levels of trust in and satisfaction with their leadership, and ultimately affected the performance of the players. In addition, this research showed that the relationship between authoritarian leadership of coaches and trust in and satisfaction with their leadership is similar among professional and amateur players. Finally, the results of this study were discussed and directions for future research were proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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