


Mental State at Peak Performance in Elite Table Tennis Players




陳怡婷(I-Ting Chen);黃崇儒(Chung-Ju Huang);洪聰敏(Tsung-Min Hung)


壓力管理 ; 顛峰表現 ; 心理技能 ; stress manage ; peak performance ; psychological skills




13卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


44 - 54






The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological status of peak performance in elite table tennis players. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for 10 elite table tennis players (male 5: female 5, mean age=20.9±1.85 years, mean sport years = 12.4±2.86). Five of the players were represented for Taiwan in the 2010 World Team Table Tennis Championships in Moscow. The average duration of each interview lasted about 60 minutes. Content analysis was performed to analyze the qualitative data of transcribed verbatim obtained through individual face-to-face interviews. Two hundred forty-three quotes were drawn from interview transcripts and five dimensions were emerged during inductive analysis process from twenty major themes. The five dimensions were emerged: concentration, self-confidence, positive thought, emotion manage and motivation. These findings provide references to sport scientists and coaches as designing psychological skills training programs for athletes. Further suggestion was proposed to coaches to strengthening the awareness of athletes' mental status for better performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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