


Relationships among Students' Characteristics, Flow Experience and Emotions towards Physical Education




洪升呈(Sheng-Cheng Hung)


技巧 ; 挑戰 ; 內外控傾向 ; skill ; challenge ; locus of control




17卷3期(2015 / 09 / 30)


274 - 286




本研究主要目的是探討大學生體育教學活動中學生人格特質、流暢體驗與體育課情感間之關係,以配額抽樣法調查北、中、南共9所大學院校,每所學校發放問卷100份,共計發出900份,有效問卷824份,運用AMOS 17.0統計軟體進行結構方程模式適配度之分析與假設驗證。研究結果顯示:學生的個人的技巧、挑戰性評估、內外控人格特質,對於體育課流暢體驗有正向影響,而流暢體驗對正向情感亦有正向的影響關係,另外人格特質為內控或外控之學生,皆須藉由體育教學過程中,讓學生產生流暢體驗,方能對體育課情感產生正向影響。本研究結論:本研究結果對於體育教學者而言,透過瞭解學生在體育課活動過程中形成流暢體驗的前因與學生體育課情感的關係,能更加瞭解不同學生特性對體育課的需求,有助於擬定提升學生體育課情感的策略,相信對體育課的推展應有所裨益。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among students' characteristics, flow experience and emotions towards physical education (PE). Quota sampling was applied to investigate this study purpose on students from 9 colleges nationwide. A total of 900 questionnaires were equally distributed to 9 colleges, 100 to each college, and 824 valid questionnaires were obtained. AMOS 17.0 was employed to process the analysis, and structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesis fitness. Results indicated that students' characteristics including personal skills, challenging evaluation, as well as internal and external locus of control were affected positively to the flow experience towards physical education, and flow experience showed positive impact on positive emotions. In addition, students with internal or external locus of control had to have flow experience during physical education courses to result in positive emotions towards physical education. By recognizing the relationship on how flow experience is formed between physical education and students' emotions towards physical education, the PE teachers can better understand the demands from students with different characteristics. This study may further help teachers in setting up the new strategies to enhance students' emotions towards physical education and it is believed to be beneficial in the promotion of physical education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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