题名 |
從東京帕拉林匹克運動會觀看高水準身心障礙運動:運動科學可以幫忙 |
并列篇名 |
High Performance in Para Sport at the Tokyo Paralympic Games: Role of Sport Science |
10.5297/ser.202112_23(4).0000 |
作者 |
吳昇光(Sheng-Kuang Wu);吳冠臻(Kuan-Chen Wu) |
关键词 | |
期刊名称 |
大專體育學刊 |
卷期/出版年月 |
23卷4期(2021 / 12 / 31) |
页次 |
i - vi |
内容语文 |
繁體中文;英文 |
中文摘要 |
當嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(簡稱新冠)影響2020年東京奧林匹克運動會(Olympic Games,簡稱奧運會)及帕拉林匹克運動會(Paralympic Games,簡稱帕運會),國際奧林匹克委員會及國際帕拉林匹克委員會決定將賽事延期1年,雖然造成主辦單位及世界各國參加的不便,但在疫情艱困情況下仍舉辦奧運會及帕運會在世界上所代表的意義,除了是健全運動員及身心障礙(簡稱身障)運動員的國際最高水平比賽外,更代表著人類不畏艱難挑戰與突破困境的價值。2020年東京奧運會約有11,000位選手參賽33種運動種類,爭取339面的金牌項目(International Olympic Committee, 2021)。在奧運會後2週內緊接著舉辦帕運會,約有4,400 位肢障、視障、智障選手參賽22種運動賽事,爭取539面金牌競賽(International Paralympic Committee, 2021)。所有參加奧運會的選手或是參加帕運會的選手皆經過層層關卡,才能跨進此次國際賽事的最高殿堂(Wu, 2021)。而臺灣也在2020年東京奧運會有68位選手參賽18個運動項目,在帕運會中則有10位選手達標參賽6個運動項目。許多研究已證實參與運動訓練對於身障者的生理、心理、融入社會、生活品質等皆有正面的效益,歐美先進國家更在1950年代起將運動放入身障者的復健,數十年來明顯見到身障者參與運動已是基本人權,甚至不少身障運動員更將挑戰帕運會當成其人生的重要目標(Tweedy & Vanlandewijck, 2011; Wu &Williams, 2001)。然而在帕運會中,無論社會大眾、觀賞比賽者、教練、運動科學(簡稱運科)專家、體育記者等人,若未聽過身障運動的演講或接受相關課程訓練,可能只聽過帕運會這個名詞,加上臺灣甚少轉播國內外身障運動賽事(東京帕運會為臺灣首度轉播選手競賽),大家並未建立正確的認知來瞭解優秀身障運動員的傑出表現,甚至有錯誤的認知以為身障者不需運動,況且激烈運動與訓練會不會造成身障運動員的二度傷害?因此本評論擬讓未受過運科訓練的學者專家,建立基本且正確的態度,採用恰當的運科概念來協助身障運動員突破更佳的成績,邁進帕運會爭取最高的競技成就。用對方法進入複雜的身障運動:指導身障者首先需瞭解其特性,障礙類別(type of impairment)、障礙嚴重程度(severity of impairment)、輔具使用(use of assistant device),接下來瞭解身障者可能參與的運動項目、在這項運動中的可能體位分級(classification)、身障者其尚殘存的功能(residual functions)及造成的主要活動限制(limitation of activity),之後並考量運動特殊性所需要的能力、技術與戰術,這些複雜因素是多數人所不知道的整合知識,同時國際上經常有最新研究發現與提出應用的結果,讓投入適應體育運動學(adapted physical activity)及身障運動科學(sport science in para sport)的學者專家要不斷地吸取新知,可以見到投入身障運動尤為辛苦與困難(Baker, Lemez, Van Neutegem, & Wattie, 2017; Tweedy & Vanlandewijck, 2011; Wu, 2021)。儘管如此,有心想學就能找到方法學習,甚至連身障者本身就可能是我們的老師來分享其自身獨特的經驗,讓在身障運科外行者逐步瞭解。接下來才能討論運科專家將其專業知識藉由互相合作的整合模式來協助身障運動員及教練,真正做出符合身障者需求的運科研究與應用。身障運動的挑戰困境:或許身障運科在現今國際運科領域上並非顯學,國際上多數的學術發表多產自於歐、美、澳等先進國家,似乎國民所得及重視人權的國家其在身障運動的發展與科學支持就較為完善。其中在影響身障者參與競技運動影響因子更是複雜,經常決定健全人在競技運動的成就不外乎與身材特性、選手生心理特性、專業及高品質運動訓練、運動長期培養與競賽經驗、專業運科支持、運動管理團隊等有所相關,長期下來在健全人競技運動的發展模式已建立基礎,以科學為導向的練習(evidence-based practice)已成為現今主流(Baker et al., 2017)。然而在身障運動中要做到以科學為導向的練習似乎仍有很大的差距,除了在已發展國家較為重視身障者競技運動與培養外,不少發展中國家仍以申請外卡模式爭取少數身障運動員參加帕運會外,這些較為弱勢的國家對於身障參與運動僅停留在國際參與階段,無法像參與奧運會爭取佳績那般的重視。而身障運動複雜性及最難理解之處為各運動項目有其特殊性的分級制度(sport-specific classification systems),以便讓身障選手依其障礙類別、障礙嚴重程度、運動需求的功能特性與活動限制來加以確認選手的等級,這一方面的複雜程度經常讓有意願投入身障運動的運科專業人員感到困擾,投入其中的專業知識在初期也不易理解,經常需建立在理論與實務相互配合的緩慢進展過程中(Tweedy & Vanlandewijck, 2011;Wu, 2021)。然在重視運科及身障運動的先進國家中,可發現在知名大學之中已有較為深入及完善的碩博士訓練課程,諸如在2021年運動相關分科領域(sports-related subjects)的Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)世界大學排名(QS World University Rankings, 2021)中,排名第1的英國羅浮堡大學(Loughborough University)、第2的澳洲昆士蘭大學(The University of Queensland)、第9的加拿大亞伯達大學(University of Alberta)、第23的比利時魯汶大學(Catholic University of Leuven)。或許臺灣在此領域上可吸取國外名校的成功經驗,唯有系統性地從教育開始發展後,方能談到未來成功的紮根及訓練出的人才能夠落實推廣身障運動及進行相關研究,進而協助臺灣身障運動選手在國際比賽中獲得佳績。最終我們加以倡導:身障者參與運動應該要被鼓勵與協助,優秀身障運動選手的傑出成就需要被報導與獎勵,投入身障運動教練及科學的人才需要被支持與肯定,臺灣在這個領域若能落實「理論與實務」相結合,必能見到成功的發展模式,相信能在未來預期達到推展身障運動的良好績效! |
英文摘要 |
Due to the severity of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) sweeping across the world, the International Olympic Committee and International Paralympic Committee decided to postpone the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to July and August 2021, respectively. These 2 games were recognized as the highest sport performances and also represented the values of fearlessness and challenged the limits of humans. Around 11,000 athletes competed in 33 sports and 339 medal events at the Tokyo Olympic Games (International Olympic Committee, 2021) and around 4,400 para athletes, including physical impairment (PI), visual impairments (VI), and intellectual impairments (II) competed in 22 sports and 539 medal events at the Paralympic Games (International Paralympic Committee, 2021). All athletes either in Olympic or Paralympic Games, passed through several tough tasks to qualify for the internationally highest events (Wu, 2021). Among those, Taiwan had 68 athletes, who qualified for 18 sporting events at the Olympic Games and 10 para athletes, who qualified for 6 sporting events at the Paralympic Games. Several research studies have indicated that participating in sports training brings positive interests to people with impairments in physical and mental aspects, ability to fit into society and overall lifestyle. Longtime back (1950s) Western countries have incorporated physical activity into rehabilitation for people with impairments. Over the past decades para sport has grown drastically popular, and many para athletes have considered the Paralympics as a lifetime goal (Tweedy & Vanlandewijck, 2011; Wu & Williams, 2001). The knowledge of the general public and sporting professionals, who have not looked into para sport and Paralympics, may only be the name itself. Sporting events for athletes with impairments in Taiwan have rarely been televised (The Tokyo Paralympic Games are the first-ever professional broadcast for para athletes), leading to many misconceptions of para athletes. These mistaken views include "people with impairments do not need to play sports" and "sports might further traumatize the disabled." This manuscript aimed to a establish basic understanding of sports science to help para athletes to improve their performance in their pursuit of outstanding competition. Application of Right Methods in Complicated Para Sport: Before starting to instruct people with impairments, establishing knowledge on their features, like the type of impairment (PI, VI, and II), severity of impairment, and usage of assistant devices is important. We may figure out which sports are available for the person, the classifications of the sport, their residual functions and limitations of activity, and also consider the sport-specific demands, including abilities, skills, and tactics. The complexity of analyzing and integrating these conditions makes the experts of sport science in para sport in need of constantly keeping up with the latest research studies (Baker, Lemez, Van Neutegem, & Wattie, 2017; Tweedy & Vanlandewijck, 2011; Wu, 2021). Despite the difficulties in reaching the specialty, it is not impossible to achieve certain levels. Experiences from the para athletes may be great lessons for beginners in para sport science. By modeling the para athletes and coaches, and integrating sport science can provide appropriate research to adapt to the special needs of para athletes. Challenge and Dilemma of Para Sport: Most research papers are published by the developed countries, such as Western Europe, North America, and Australia. This is probably because sport science in para sport is not in the mainstream of the current international sport science field. The correlation among gross national income, human rights, and the development of para sport can be seen. The formula of success in able-bodied athletes have long been cemented in evidence-based practices as physical prowess, physiological and psychological characteristics, high level and good quality of training, talent development and long-term competition opportunities, professional sport science support, and the managing team (Baker et al., 2017). However, in athletes with impairments, there are several issues to be disclosed. Aside from wealthy countries that train their athletes with attention, many developing countries are still far behind. Some countries can only request a wild card for the Paralympic Games, with their sights set on merely participating, not competing for medals and reaching high performance. The most complex aspect of para sport is the sport-specific classification system. The system allows the athletes to compete according to their impairment type, severity and sport mobility, functional abilities, and activity of limitations. The complexity and tough learning process have long been a barrier that has kept sport science professionals wishing to join the para sport scene away (Tweedy & Vanlandewijck, 2011; Wu, 2021). Though advanced countries in para sport science, some famed universities have established solid master and Ph.D programs that include conclusive studies in this area. For example, No. 1 ranked Loughborough University, UK of the 2021 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranking of sports-related subjects, No. 2 ranked The University of Queensland, Australia, No. 9 ranked University of Alberta, Canada, and No. 23 Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium has well known in adapted physical activity and disability sport (QS World University Rankings, 2021). Hopefully Taiwan can emulate the successes of these countries and universities, and educate the professionals systematically, leading to a better research environment and popularizing para sport or related studies and applications. Finally, we concluded that the sports for people with impairments should be encouraged and assisted, the outstanding achievements reported and rewarded, and professionals who teach and train para sports should be supported and recognized. If Taiwan can integrate the "theory to practice" in this field, the success in para sport can be expected in near future. |
主题分类 |
社會科學 >
體育學 |
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