


An Empirical Analysis of DIF on Basic Competence Test: A Case Example of 2002 BCT




余民寧(Min-Ning Yu);謝進昌(Jin-Chang Hsieh)


ETS DIF分類系統 ; M-H法 ; 差異試題功能 ; 國中基本學力測驗 ; Basic Competence Test ; differential item functioning ; ETS DIF classification rules ; Mantel-Haenszel method




26期(2006 / 06 / 01)


241 - 275




本研究主要目的為探討國中基本學力測驗不同考區間存在的DIF現況,以91年度兩次測驗之實徵資料為例,採M-H法進行試題的檢定,同時搭配ETS DIF分類系統,針對DIF試題進行分類,欲呈現一客觀及多角度的DIF檢定報告。 研究結果如下: 一、不同考區間DIF檢定情況,大致可獲得滿意的結果,其中以第二比較組(基隆與嘉義)DIF情況較嚴重;科目間,以社會科第一次測驗DIF整體現象最高。 二、91年國中基測中仍存有少數偏高DIF比率的科目,且多數存在著一致性的有利或不利於某考區的現象。 三、採M-H法進行DIF檢定時,同時搭配ETS DIF分類系統,較不受樣本因素影響,可得到一客觀、可信的DIF指標。 最後根據研究結果,於文後提出相關建議與省思供讀者參考。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomena of DIF on Basic Competence Test (BCT) among different exam-areas. We tried to use Mante-Haenszel method and ETS DIF classification rules to analyze the actual data of 2002 BCT two tests to present an objective and multidimensional DIF report. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The condition of DIF among different exam-areas may come to a satisfying result. Among exam-areas, the second comparison group (Keelung vs. Chiayi) exhibits the highest level of DIF; among exam-courses, the first social exam-course test exhibits the highest level of DIF. 2. There are still a few exam-courses having higher DIF ratio on 2002 BCT and mostly tending to favor or disfavor some exam-areas. 3. The use of M-H method along with ETS DIF classification rules may efficiently exclude the impact of sample sizes and obtain an objective-and-trustworthy DIF evidence. Finally, some suggestions and reflections for future studies are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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