


An Experimental Study of KBE Society-oriented Instruction




林生傳(Sheng-Chuan Lin);黃誌坤(Chin-Kun Huang);林達森(Ta-Sen Lin)


教育與知識經濟社會 ; 知識經濟社會 ; 知識經濟社會取向的教學 ; 教學創新 ; education and knowledge-based economy ; knowledge-based economy society ; knowledge-based economy society-oriented instruction ; instructional innovation




28期(2007 / 06 / 01)


101 - 135




本研究旨在因應知識經濟的社會變遷,設計一種知識經濟社會取向的教學系統,並驗證其可行性與有效性,以有效培養知識經濟社會的知識人,滿足知識經濟社會的功能性需求。其具體目的包括:一、設計知識經濟社會取向之教學系統;二、試驗知識經濟社會取向之教學系統;三、評估知識經濟社會取向教學創新之可行性;四、評鑑知識經濟社會創新教學之效果。 為達成此等目的,利用了「系統分析」與「準實驗研究」來發展知識經濟社會的教學創新系統,選擇K大學社會人文類屬學系三班學生為對象,分派一班為實驗組,另二班為控制組。實驗組接受知識經濟社會取向教學,控制組接受一般教學。利用自編的「知識經濟社會的概念與素養」問卷進行前、後測,並安排透過MSN於實驗結束對實驗組進行訪談瞭解實驗效果。對蒐集的量化資料,以前測為共變項,對後測分數進行共變數分析(ANCOVA)以確定實驗主要效果,並對訪談得到的資料作詮釋分析;兩種分析互相參照加以統整。結果顯示,這個知識經濟社會取向的教學系統具有相當的可行性,為學生所接受,並受到正面評價,且能有效提升知識經濟素養,有助於知識經濟社會的適應。


This study was conducted in an attempt to tackle how to innovate and adjust teaching under the functional requirements during the process of developing knowledge-based economy (KBE) society in Taiwan. In specification, the study aimed: 1. To develop a ”KBE” oriented instruction system, 2. To experiment this ”KBE” oriented instruction system, 3. To estimate the possibility and feasibility of this system, and 4. To evaluate the effects of the ”KBE” oriented instruction system. For the first objective, this study used systems analysis to design the ”KBE” oriented instruction systems hopeful of working in a real school setting or in a virtual class. For the remaining objectives, a quasi experiment following ”pretest and posttest unequal groups design” was employed to put this instruction system into action. Three college classes were sampled from KU as the subjects. One of them was assigned as the experimental group, while the other two as the control groups. The experimental group was taught by ”KBE” oriented instruction system. Both groups were evaluated before and after the experiment by a selfmade questionnaire entitled ”The knowledge and literacy in knowledge-based ecomomy society”. As the experimental terminated, memhers of the experimental group were interviewed over MSN on the Internet. The data were analyzed quantitatively by ANCOVA with the pretest as the covariant as well as by interpreting qualitatively. The results revealed that this study has developed an instruction innovation model to be followed to meet the demand of a knowledge-based economy society. Further, this instruction model can effectively improve students' knowledge and literacy for a KBE society. Still further, the students taught by this model have accepted and valued positively this KBE instruction system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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