


The Effect of Multimedia Presentation Modes and Learners' Perceptual Preferences on Learning Outcomes




陳姚真(Yau-Jane Chen);吳宇穎(Yu-Ying Wu)


多媒體學習認知理論 ; 形式原則 ; 重複原則 ; 知覺偏好 ; cognitive theory of multimedia learning ; modality principle ; redundancy principle ; perceptual preference




30期(2008 / 06 / 01)


29 - 60




本研究檢驗Mayer以多媒體學習認知理論爲基礎所提出的多媒體教材設計形式原則與重複原則,並納入學習者個別差異的考量,探討多媒體組合方式與知覺偏好對學習成效的交互作用影響。 研究採3×2二因子準實驗設計,以83位大學生爲研究對象,自變項皆爲多媒體組合(動畫+文字、動畫+旁白、動畫+旁白+文字)和知覺偏好(視覺型、聽覺型)。實驗採自動播放的教材,依變項爲學習成效。實驗前先測量學習者的先備知識與知覺偏好,再依結果選取研究對象與分組。 研究結果發現,對「視覺型」與「聽覺型」學習者而言: 一、如Mayer所言,不同多媒體組合顯著影響學習成效,學習成效表現高低依序爲動畫+旁白組、動畫+文字組、動畫+旁白+文字組。 二、不同知覺偏好對學習成效無顯著影響。 三、不同多媒體組合與知覺偏好對學習成效無顯著交互作用影響。


R. Mayer has proposed the design principles of multimedia materials based on a cognitive theory of multimedia learning. In this study, we target to verify the modality principle and redundancy principle that Mayer mentioned, and consider individual differences of learners at the same time, to: 1) investigate the effect of multimedia presentation modes and learners' perceptual preferences on learning performance; 2) provide recommendations for design and selection of multimedia materials according to the results of this study. This study uses 3×2 two-factor quasi-experimental design. The participants are 83 undergraduate students. The independent variables in the experiment are the modes of multimedia presentation (animation+text, animation+narration, and animation+narration+text) and participants' perceptual preferences (visual, auditory). The material in the experiment is operated automatically, and the dependent variable is learning performance. In the first stage of this study, researchers collected data of pretest and perceptual preference questionnaire, and chose participants accordingly. Then participants received experimental material and posttest in the second stage. The main results of this study are: For the visual-perference-type and auditory-preference-type learners, 1) The multimedia presentation modes significantly affect learning performance, which is consistent with Mayer's arguments. The posttest scores from the highest to lowest are the animation+narration group, the animation+text group, the animation+narration+text group. The learners in both the animation+nairation group and the animation+text group spend less time than those who ate in the animation+narration+text group. 2) The perceptual preferences of learners have no significant effect on learning performance. 3) The multimedia presentation modes and learners' perceptual preferences have no significant interaction effect on learning performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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