


The Construction and Practice of a Gender Equality Curriculum: The Case of the "Gender and Society" Course




唐文慧(Anna Wen-Hui Tang);鄭英耀(Ying-Yao Cheng)


二十五淑女之墓 ; 女性主義教育學 ; 性別平等 ; 通識教育 ; Twenty-Five Ladies' Tomb ; feminist pedagogy ; gender equality ; general education




34期(2010 / 06 / 01)


33 - 67






This action research study describes and analyzes a course on ”Gender and Society,” taught by the researchers as part of the university's General Education curriculum. Taking the ”Twenty-Five Ladies Tomb” event as the topic and gender equality as the focus of analysis, the course explored the students' ideas and feelings. Research results indicate that combining the strategies of ”going out” (field study) and ”speaking out” (group discussion) helped students to gradually gain a greater awareness of gender issues. Recognizing individual experiences and respecting different opinions, the course placed instructor and student on an equal level, so that students felt they could converse freely. The logic of binary opposition that grounds the traditional gender duality (male/female) was to a degree broken down due to the freedom of the class discussion format.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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