


Improvement of the Method for Analysis of Bromate in Bottled and Packaged Drinking Water




陳麗婷(Lin-Ting Chen);劉師維(Shih-Wei Liu);張美華(Mei-Hua Chang);沈盈如(Ying-Ru Shen);林汝青(Ru-Ching Lin);高雅敏(Ya-Min Kao);曾素香(Su-Shiang Tzeng);王德原(De-Yuan Wang)


溴酸鹽 ; 飲用水 ; 液相層析串聯質譜儀 ; 高效離子層析儀 ; Bromate ; Drinking water ; LC-MS/MS ; HPIC




60卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


97 - 103




溴酸鹽(bromate)為飲用水採臭氧消毒的副產物,由臭氧消毒過程水體中自然存在的溴化物氧化產生。國際癌症研究署(IARC)將溴酸鉀列為2B潛在致癌物;衛生福利部亦於「一般食品衛生標準」中規範包裝飲用水及盛裝飲用水之溴酸鹽含量應為0.01 mg/L以下。飲用水中溴酸鹽檢驗常使用高效離子層析儀(HPIC),其適用大部分市售飲用水中溴酸鹽微量檢測,惟檢體若含有鹽或其它礦物質成分,執行微量溴酸鹽分析時易受高濃度氯離子或其它成分干擾而影響鑑別,須增加淨化步驟移除干擾成分。本研究參考食藥署「食品中溴酸鹽之檢驗方法」建立以液相層析串聯質譜儀(LC-MS/MS)分析飲用水中溴酸鹽之檢驗方法。試驗結果顯示,以質譜分析溴酸鹽不易受氯離子或其它成分干擾,含鹽產品及氣泡礦泉水產品皆無須額外淨化步驟即可進行分析。方法之線性範圍為0.001~0.050 mg/L,其標準曲線判定係數可達0.9986,定量極限為0.002 mg/L;分別於去離子水中添加溴酸鹽0.002及0.010 mg/L執行回收試驗,其平均回收率介於94.2~99.4%,變異係數介於2.5~7.6%,均符合本署食品化學檢驗方法之確效規範。另檢驗市售包裝飲用水共11件皆符合法規標準:1件檢出溴酸鹽0.003 mg/L,其餘均未檢出。本研究所建立之LC-MS/MS檢驗方法簡單、快速,可應用於各種型態之包裝飲用水及盛裝飲用水中溴酸鹽之檢驗。


Bromate is a disinfection by-product of drinking water, which is formed in water during ozonation when the bromide ion is present. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified potassium bromate as a group 2B carcinogen, possibly carcinogenic to humans. The Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, regulated the maximum levels of bromate in bottled and packaged drinking water shall not be more than 0.01 mg/L under "Sanitation Standards for General Foods". Determination of trace bromate in drinking water with high-efficiency ion chromatography (HPIC) normally. It was suitable for most commercial drinking water. However, bromate analysis at HPIC system is easy to be interfered with high concentration of chlorine ions or other anions exist, then a purification step must be performed to remove interfering components. The study developed an analytical method using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) referring to the "Method of Test for Bromate in Foods" published by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration. The result showed, whether the product is "salt-containing water" or "sparkling mineral water" the bromate could be analyzed without additional purification steps by LC-MS/MS. In this study, the linear range of the standard curve was between 0.001 to 0.050 mg/L with a coefficient of determination 0.9986, and the limit of quantification was 0.002 mg/L. Recovery test was performed by spiking bromate at 0.002 and 0.010 mg/L into deionization water, respectively. The average recoveries were between 94.2 to 99.4%, and the coefficients of variation were between 2.5 to 7.6%. The results all met "Guidelines for the validation of food chemical analysis methods." In the survey of 11 commercial drinking water products, except for one product with a bromate content of 0.003 mg/L, no bromide was detected in other products, and all 11 products met the regulation. Analysis of bromate in drinking water using LC-MS/MS in this study is simple, fast and suitable for all types of bottled and packaged drinking water.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
生物農學 > 農產加工
工程學 > 化學工業
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