


A Qualitative Study on the Emotional Healing Efficacy of Movies: The Case of Undergraduates Dealing with Uncertainty in Career Development




陳書梅(Chen Su-may Sheih)


電影療法 ; 發展性書目療法 ; 生涯發展 ; 大學生 ; Movie Therapy ; Cinema Therapy ; Developmental Bibliotherapy ; Career Development ; Undergraduate




19卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


67 - 113






Upon exploring individual career prospects, university students may face setbacks attributable to factors such as personal characteristics, social expectations, and family. Consequently, barriers to entering a particular field may occur and cause negative emotions. The literature has indicated that some university students mitigate negative emotions by watching an appropriate movie that boosts their power of resilience; such a practice is an application of movie therapy. This study employed a content analysis method and analyzed movie reviews selected from movie bibliographies and online platforms to identify therapeutic movies conducive to emotional healing. Subsequently, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 National Taiwan University students troubled by career development problems, and discussions were centered on whether they experienced feelings of identification, catharsis, and insight after watching the selected movies. The overall interview results revealed that all 15 movies used in this study achieved emotional healing efficacy that enabled participants to experience identification, catharsis, and insight.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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