






卓越領導 ; 默默領導 ; 第五級領導




33期(2004 / 09 / 01)


100 - 113





主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
  1. Adams, E. N.(1993).Organizational leadership and its impact on school effectiveness: A case study of sixty schools with in a suburban school district.DAI-A 54/06,2001.
  2. Badbracco, J. L.(2002).Leading Quietly: An unorthodox quide to doing the right thing.MA:Harvard Business College Press.
  3. Collins, J.(2002).Good to great: Why some companies make the leap…and others don`t.New York:Harper Collins.
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  5. Crone, L. J.(1993).The methodological issues of variance in teacher behavior and student achievement: The relationship of variance to school and teacher effectiveness.DAI-A 54/02,383.
  6. Dean, J. S.(1990).Principal`s leadership and school effectiveness: A descriptive study of the principal`s exercise of authority and influence in effective and ineffective elementary schools.DAI-A 50/07,1862.
  7. Ding, W. S.(1993).Relationships among principals` leadership behavior, principals` authenticity, and teacher job satisfaction in selected junior high schools.DAI-A 53/08,2617.
  8. Duignan, P. A.,Macpherson, R. J. S. (Eds.)(1992).Educative leadership: A practical theory for new administrators and manager.Lodon:The Falmer Press.
  9. Goodhart, W. J(1990).The instrumental and expressive characteristics of public secondary schools and effectiveness.DAI-A 51/07,2214.
  10. Lambert, L.,Walker, D.,Zimmerman, D. P.,Cooper, J. E.,Lambert, M. D.,Gardner, M. E.,Slack, P. J. F.(1995).The constructivist leader.New York, NY:Teachers College Press.
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  12. Murphy, J.,R. W. Thurston,L. S. Lotto (Eds.)(1990).Advances in educational administration.London:JAI Press, Ltd.
  13. Nanus, B.(1992).Visionary leadership.San Francisco, CA:Jossey-Bass.
  14. Owens, R. G.(1998).Organization behavior in education.Needham Heights, MA:Allyn and Bacon.
  15. Purkey, S. C.,Marshall, M. S.(1982).Too soon to cheer synthesis of research on effective school.Educational Leadership,40(64),23-37.
  16. Robbins, S. P.(1998).Organizational behavior: concepts, controversies, and application.Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice-Hall.
  17. Rossow, L. F.,Warner, L. S.(2000).The principalship: Dimensions in instructional leadership.Durham, NC:Carolina Academic Press.
  18. Smith, E. G.(1994).Principal leadership, faculty trust, teacher compliance, and school effectiveness.DAI-A 55/06,1446.
  19. Stogdill, R. M.(1974).Hand book of Leadership: A Survey of Theory and Research.New York:The Free Press.
  20. Sull, D. N.(2003).Revival of the fittest: why good companies go bad and how great managers remake them.Boston, Mass.:Harvard Business School Press.
  21. Thomas-Hodge, C. D.(1994).The relationship between the perceived instructional leadership skills of four elementary principals and the effectiveness of their schools.DAI-A 55/05,1189.
  22. Wiebe, D. J.(1992).A survey of the relationship between school effectiveness school principals.DAI-A 52/12,4181.
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