


The Meaning and Strategy of School Marketing: Facing the Phenomenon of Lacking Children






少子化 ; 學校行銷 ; lack of children ; school marketing




49期(2007 / 05 / 01)


272 - 287




少子化現象並不是短暫的問題,而是一波波對未來的衝擊,對教育而言,從小學、國中、高中職到大學都會受影響。招生不足和學校運作困難的問題將接踵而至。少子化既已成為全球化的趨勢,國內教育必須面對供給過剩的事實。 肇因於少子化的衝擊,使得教育組織面臨如何提昇競爭力的挑戰;為追求卓越及提昇教育品質,紛紛研究引進企業經營理念及策略的可行性。教育工作者必須善用行銷策略,以達成學校的發展任務,如何活用企業行銷管理的理念與策略以經營學校教育活動,將是當前努力的方向。


It is not only a transient problem which the phenomenon of lacking children, but the impacts of the future will be influenced from the elemental school, junior middle school, the high school and the university. There is the problem in schools managing which will come one after another such as enrolling and operating insufficiently. The lack of children trends a tendence globally, so schools must face the fact of over providing. It's because of the impact of lacking children, so education organizations must face the challenge of promoting competitiveness. As for pursuing excellence and quality of education, schools bring in enterprises' ideas of management and feasibility strategy. Educators must use the best of school marketing's strategies, in order that school can reach the tasks. It is an important way that schools use the enterprise's management and strategy of the marketing actively to manage the educational activities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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