


Study on Relationships between Principals' Perception on Job Stress and Coping Strategies of Junior High Schools






國民中學校長 ; 工作壓力 ; 因應策略 ; junior high school principals ; job stress ; coping strategies




50期(2007 / 07 / 01)


167 - 188




本研究旨在探討國民中學校長工作壓力與其因應策略之現況及兩者之關係,採用問卷調查法。研究工具為研究者自編之「國民中學校長工作壓力與其因應策略之研究問卷」,進行全面問卷普查,有效樣本計有195份。本研究以平均數、標準差與效果值分析等統計方法,進行資料分析,主要發現如下: 一、國民中學校長在工作壓力感受,以「升學壓力」最大、其次為「課程領導壓力」、「政策壓力」,而「人際關係壓力」為最低。 二、國民中學校長因應策略最常使用「面對問題」與「理性思考」,其次是「情緒調適」與「尋求支持」。 三、不同背景變項的工作壓力感受上,具有顯著差異:男性校長壓力大於女性校長、服務年資以4年以下的校長壓力較大、教育程度以一般大學的校長壓力最大、學校規模在49班以上的校長壓力最大、學校位置在偏遠與市區地區的校長其工作壓力高於鄉鎮地區的校長。 四、部份不同背景變項的國民中學校長其因應策略的使用,其組間差異達中效果值,且具有顯著差異:以男性校長較常使用「面對問題」策略;服務年資9-12年的校長較常使用「面對問題」策略、教育程度是師範院校的校長較常使用「理性思考」策略;49班以上的校長較常使用「尋求支持」策略;鄉鎮地區的校長較常使用「面對問題」策略,且使用頻率均高於其他類之校長。 五、低壓力組的國民中學校長使用「面對問題」與「尋求支持」策略多於高壓力組的校長。


The study was to explore the job stress of the principals in junior high schools, their coping strategies, and the relationship between them. It was conducted by means of questionnaire survey. ”The Questionnaire for Job Stress of Junior High Principals and Coping Strategies” were used as a research tool for collecting data. Among the 203 mailed questionnaires, 195 were valid. The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS. The major findings are as follows: 1. Among all principals' perception aspects on the job stress, the ”Stress of Graduate Students' Performance on Entrance Examinations” was the largest, next were the ”Stress of Curriculum Guidance” and the ”Policy Stress,” and the ”Stress of Human Relationship”. 2. As to the investigated junior high principals' coping strategies, ”Facing the Problem” and ”Reasoning Thinking” were most frequently used; next were ”Emotional Adjustment” and ”Seeking for Support.” 3. With the different background variables, the perception of job stress was found significantly different. The male principals had a higher degree of stress than the female ones. The principals with less than four years” working experience suffered from job stress most. The principals with a university diploma suffered job stress most. Principals who were in charge of schools with the classes size over 49 suffered from job stress most. The principals working in schools situated in remote regions or in big cities suffered higher job stress than those working in towns or in the countryside. 4. As to the different background variables, the effect size of some coping strategies was medium and was statistically significant. The male principals adopted ”Facing the Problem” most. Principals working from 9 to 12 years adopted ”Facing the Problem” most. Principals with a diploma of normal teachers' college adopted ”Reasoning Thinking” most. Principals working in schools with a class size over 49 adopted ”Seeking for Support” most. And principals working in towns or in the countryside adopted ”Facing the Problem” most. 5. The low-stressed principals adopted more ”Facing the Problem” and ”Seeking for Support” strategies than those in high-stress to cope with job stress.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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