


A Study of the Relationships between Organizational Learning and Innovation in the Elementary Schools of Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City




張奕華(I-Hua Chang);顏弘欽(Hung-Chin Yen);謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh)


國民小學 ; 組織學習 ; 組織創新 ; Elementary school ; Organizational innovation ; Organizational learning




57期(2008 / 09 / 01)


69 - 89






For the rapid changes of the whole social environment, the old thinking styles and operation models in schools already insufficiently respond to the requirements for educational improvements. In order to reach a better performance, we need continuous learning and innovation. Therefore, organizational learning and innovation have been proved to be the most important strategies for school developments. This study aims at the understanding of the current practice of the organizational learning and innovation and their relationships in the elementary schools of Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City. Through literature reviews and questionnaire survey, using the description statistics, correlation, regression and SEM to analyze the data base, three findings are proposed: (1) the overall current conditions are good; (2) organizational learning has highly positive correlation with innovation; and (3) organizational learning in school is indeed helpful to school innovation. According to these, we also bring some concrete suggestions as the references for the school developments.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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