


The Application and Combination of Fore Exercise and Reading Guidance, Peer Assessment, and Interactive Response System-Taking the Class Instruction of School Administration for Example




陳寶山(Pao-San Chen)


預習導讀 ; 同儕評量 ; IRS即時反饋系統 ; fore exercise & reading guidance ; peer assessment ; Interactive Response System




58期(2008 / 11 / 01)


150 - 180




二十一世紀經濟知識時代,教學不再只是一種知識的單純傳遞活動,而是知識的再創造、再理解和再加工轉換,教師應該重視學生對各種現象的理解,傾聽他們現在的看法,洞察他們這些想法的由來,以此為根據,引導學生豐富學習或調整自己的理解。 筆者深信成功的講述不一定產生學習,但成功的教學必然產生學習。而成功的教學必須能導引學生的學習心向、清楚呈現教材、提供多樣練習,以及經常評量學習情形,學生才會獲得事半功倍的學習效果。 學校行政是強調應用性與實踐性的學科,特別注重經驗與智慧的傳承,如何將習得的理論與承傳的實務經驗互相印證,並融合轉化為具體實踐的行動智慧,確實需要教師費心思考設計教學策略,協助學生採取有效學習方法,加深加廣的學習。據此,筆者結合預習導讀、同儕評量與IRS即時反饋系統,藉以激勵學生主動學習,提供多樣練習,讓學生參與學習評量,活絡教學活動,達成預期教學目標。


During the era of economic knowledge in the 21st century, teaching is not merely an activity for knowledge transferring, but the re-creation, re-understanding, and re-product of knowledge itself. Teachers are supposed to listen to students by their hearts so that teachers can adjust themselves to enriching students. School Administration is a subject which put emphases on application and practice, especially on the transferring of experiences and wisdom. Furthermore, teachers make instructional design in order to help students adopt effective learning. Based on the mentioned above, the study aims to combine fore exercise and reading guidance, peer assessment, and Interactive Response System (IRS) with a view to stimulating students to learn actively so as to meet instructional objects.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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