


School Entrepreneur New Direction-A Viewpoint Based on School Teachers' Council and Parent's Participate Legalization




張茂源(Mau-Yuan Chang)


教師會 ; 家長參與 ; 學校經營 ; teachers' council ; parent's participate ; school entrepreneur




59期(2009 / 01 / 01)


167 - 182






Principals are leaders of schools. They are the main leading force in development schools. Accompanied by the accelerated educational reform, relevant laws and regulation also saw their shifts trust and commitment student's parents and teachers expect new roles which schools can offer principals need to re-think their transform active roles, too. Principals are facing with more uncertainties in their work and role. They face an increasing accountable responsibility and stress and pressure from school community and districts and parents. The only thing they need to undergo is change matching up with the external environment. Change is the market means that demands change, too. School principals need to strive on building mutual trust and commitment of educators by shaping and initiating vision and mission of the faculty teachers; Leadership pf the principals need to shift to new ideas and innovations. The managerial tactics and principles have to be sustainable. Only through the above understanding and efforts could school principals find the way out to effectively lead and succeed at the schools. Leadership for fostering continues innovation and adaptation in order to catch up with external change. Leadership for sustainable school tradition and ongoing new management, leadership for all things matter, are school principals' inevitable and imminent responsibilities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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