


A Study of Elementary School Principals' Knowledge Leadership: Belief, Role, Difficulties and Practice Strategy




張文權(Win-Cheng Chang)


校長知識領導 ; 信念 ; 角色 ; 困境 ; 實踐策略 ; principals' knowledge leadership ; belief ; role ; difficulties ; practice strategy




68期(2010 / 07 / 01)


44 - 69






The purposes of research are to explore belief, role, difficulties, solving strategies and practice results of principals' knowledge leadership. To achieve the purposes, this research adopted a questionnaire survey. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.”Stimulates the member to work the potential” is the key exponent of principals' knowledge leadership belief. 2. Both of the ideal and practice principals' knowledge leadership roles is the ”knowledge motivator.” 3. There is a big gap between ideal and practice roles of principals' knowledge leadership is ”knowledge analyzed.” 4. The main difficulty is the lack of ”School interior deficient conformity strength among schools” while prompting knowledge leadership. 5. The most effective solving strategies is ”The mold trust culture, encourages the team cooperation” 6. The most effective results is ”Specialized leadership model” 7. There are some significant differences in practice results of principals' knowledge leadership in terms of teachers' genders. 8. There are no significant differences in practice results of principals' knowledge leadership in terms of teachers' academic background. Based on the conclusions, this research puts forth the suggestions in regard to principals' knowledge leadership.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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