


The Missing Link in School Bullying Prevention: Bullying Bystanders




曾莉婷(Li-Ting Tseng);吳璧如(Pi-Ju Wu)


霸凌 ; 校園霸凌防制 ; 旁觀者 ; bully ; school bullying prevention ; bystander




92期(2014 / 07 / 16)


122 - 143






School bullying has become one of the most important educational issues worldwide because it could cause students' mental and psychosocial problems and have long-term impacts on their future lives. Bullying is a dynamic process in which bystanders play critically important role in determining or continuing a bullying event. The purpose of this paper was to review the literature on bullying bystanders, including the definitions of bullying, types of bullying bystander behavior, theoretical bases of bullying bystander, causes and effects of bullying bystander behavior, and two of the anti-bullying programs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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