
由Peter McLaren「批判的多元文化主義」反思教師圖像


Discussing Teacher Images-Based on Peter McLaren's 'Critical Multiculturalism'




李珮瑜(Pei-Yu Lee)


師資培育 ; 教師圖像 ; 批判的多元文化主義 ; Peter McLaren ; Teacher Training ; Teacher Images ; Critical Multiculturalism




92期(2014 / 07 / 16)


25 - 44




現今社會比以前開放,強調尊重學生的自主權,並建構多元、平等及正義之環境。是故,教師的角色和以前不同,他(她)們不再是教室裡的國王及絕對的掌權者,更非課程灌輸者。教師是轉化型的知識份子,其須具批判的多元文化素養。然而,目前的教師未轉化自己的思維,也未充份尊重學生的主體,令人憂心。Peter McLaren曾擔任小學教師,他針對觀察到校園中不公平的情形提出改善的方針。本文藉Gadamer的哲學詮釋學及文獻分析法蒐集資料,探討Peter McLaren「批判的多元文化主義」,並由其理念論教師圖像,期對教育及師資培育有幫助。歸結本文資料蒐集結果,茲將建議分別陳述如下:一、教師本身應轉化自己的觀點,培養自己批判、寬容及關懷的素養,並具備行動力。二、師資培育機構及相關單位宜設計多元文化素養課程的培育教師具備該素養。三、未來研究者宜將McLaren的理念擴展至臺灣的教學現場議題,融合理 論與實務。


More now than ever before, there is an increasing respect for the autonomy of students, with an emphasis on their diversity, equality and levels of justice. Consequently the role of the teacher has changed; he or she is no longer the king and absolute ruler of an imposed classroom environment. Teachers are a catalyst for intellectual change and critique in a multi-cultural educational environment, and therefore the teacher themselves are in new roles. However, very worryingly many modern teachers have not transformed their methods of thinking and their respect towards the student body. While Peter McLaren served as a primary school teacher he proposed new guidelines to improve the unjust situation he observed on campus. This paper uses Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics and document data analysis methods to explore and assess the teachings of Peter McLaren's 'Critical Multiculturalism', and its use as a training aid in the role of teachers. The results of the data collection are as follows: I. Teachers should transform and develop their own views for self-criticism. Progress is needed in the areas of tolerance, caring qualities, and also greater drive. II. Teacher training institutions and related institutions should have a curriculum designed to foster multiculturalism in teachers. III. Future researchers regarding McLaren's philosophy teaching could be extended to the educational system issues of Taiwan, with the integration of theory and practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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