


The Study on the Relationship of Teacher's Personality Traits, Teachers' Perceived Student Relationship and Job Burnout




連志剛(Chih-Kang Lien);蔡宗達(Zong-Da Tsai);黃建翔(Chien-Hsiang Huang)


教師人格特質 ; 教師知覺師生關係 ; 職業倦怠 ; teacher's personality traits ; teachers' perceived student relationship ; job burnout




128期(2020 / 07 / 16)


44 - 67






The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between teacher's personality traits with job burnout, and whether teachers' perceived student relationship could play an intermediary role in measuring teacher's personality traits and job burnout, this study adopted a questionnaire survey, taking-collected empirical data from 360 elementary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools teachers. Data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation model (SEM). The main findings of this study included as followed: 1.) Teacher's personality traits has a positive impact on teachers' perceived student relationship; 2.) Teacher's personality traits has a negative impact on job burnout; 3.) Teachers' perceived student relationship has a negative impact on job burnout; 4.) Teacher's personality traits will negative influence the job burnout through the intermediary role that is affected as a result of being subject to teachers' perceived student relationship. Therefore, this study provided a new direction for prevention and mitigation of burnout. The related personnel of education should consider how to maintain or enhance teacher-student relationships to reduce the problem of teachers' job burnout should be considered by related personnel of education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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