


A New Way to Enhance Creativity: Cultivating Students' Traits Mindfulness




連振亞(Chen-Ya Lien);謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh)


正念特質 ; 創造力 ; 正念訓練 ; Trait mindfulness ; Creativity ; Mindfulness training




135期(2021 / 09 / 16)


154 - 173






This research aims to understand the relationship between mindfulness and creativity. Based on Taiwan and abroad's literature on mindfulness and creativity in recent years. This article explores the impact of mindfulness on creativity from five aspects. From the education point of view, the research focuses on mindfulness promoting learners' creativity. According to the literature review, many studies have shown that mindfulness has a positive impact on creativity. And it can cultivate the individual's mindfulness traits and enhance creativity through Mindfulness training which is usually used in the organization or curriculum. We would like to provide a research reference to the follow-up researcher through the discussion and discovery of the literature.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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