This research explored the relationship among higher education enrolment rate, life expectancy and per capita income. Data collected from World Bank statistical reports for 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 were used to explore higher education in various countries respectively, and to explore the contribution of education enrolment rate and life expectancy to per capita income. The conclusions were as follows: 1. Higher education enrolment rate and life expectancy in each year had a positive and significant correlation with per capita income, which meant that after the expansion of higher education and the improvement of national health in countries, the amount of human capital has accumulated and per capita income has been increased. 2. The contribution of higher education enrolment rate and life expectancy to per capita income will go on with the passage of the decade. An increase in life expectancy by one year can increase the percentage of per capita income by 8.9% to 13.1%, while the enrollment rate of higher education drops from 2.5% to 1.3%. (3) Since 2000, the enrolment rate of higher education in Taiwan has exceeded the world development average by 15.60 percentage points, and it still exceeded 13.20 percentage points in 2018. If the higher education enrolment rate and life expectancy of various countries were used to predict the per capita income in 2018, Taiwan's per capita income should reach 30,826.30 US dollars, but only 25,838.0 US dollars, which was 4,988.30 US dollars less. The contributions of this research was to find that the life expectancy of various countries was more important to the per capita income than the enrollment rate of higher education. At the same time, it was found that there was still room for improvement in human capital in Taiwan. In-depth discussions on the results and specific suggestions were made.
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