


Exploring the Content and Linkage of Design Resources and Design Capabilities: A Case Study on Duckimage




宋同正(Tung-Jung Sung);張百佑(Pai-Yu Chang)


設計資源 ; 設計能力 ; 設計服務 ; 資源基礎觀點 ; Design Resource ; Design Capability ; Design Service ; Resource-Based View




13卷3期(2008 / 09 / 01)


39 - 60




為獲得競爭優勢,企業策略性思考的重心漸由從外部競爭環境分析轉移至內部資源配置考量;此時,設計資源便成為企業設計能力的主要來源基礎。可惜的是,就現今產品設計服務公司(以下簡稱為設計公司)而言,企業設計資源與設計能力的真實內涵及兩者間之關聯性到底為何,迄今仍較模糊不清。基此,以資源基礎觀點(resource-based view, RBV)為立論依據,本研究主旨乃透過個案研究進行企業設計資源與設計能力之組成內容與關聯性探討。本研究首先發現,因為同時具備有特殊性、專屬性與模糊性等價值特質,「公司商譽」實可成為設計公司一項關鍵性的設計資源。其次,針對以傳統產業為主要服務對象的設計公司,由於「材料的開發與新應用」能夠強化其他設計能力,故可視為一關鍵性設計能力要項。最後,企業設計資源與設計能力兩者之間存有緊密關聯性;其中,「設計人力」、「設計經驗」與「公司商譽」對四大設計能力構面(功能性、美學性、技術性與品質性)皆產生影響。除提出若干設計管理實務與研究建議外,本研究更冀望研究成果可作為設計公司在未來策略性規劃設計資源與能力之組合時的重要參考依據。


When strategic thinking shifts from focusing on the investigation of external competitive environments to the analysis of the internal resource allocation in order to gain competitive advantages, design resource is increasingly considered as a source of design capability. By means of a case study on a renewed design service company in Taiwan, this study aims to illustrate how the company utilizes valuable design resources to create its distinctive design capabilities based on the theory of the resource-based view (RBV). First, the findings of the study confirm that “company reputation” can represent a crucial design resource of a design company since it inherits valuable characteristics of design resources in terms of uniqueness, specialty, and ambiguity. Secondly, ”the innovation and application of new materials” can represent a vital design capability of a design company since it can augment other design capabilities, especially for the company in which its clients are mainly from the traditional industry. Thirdly, ”design manpower,” ”design experience,” and ”company reputation” with respect to design resources are associated with all four dimensions (i.e., design function, design aesthetics, design technology, and design quality) of design capability. It is hoped that the results of this study could facilitate understanding of how design resources affect the design capability in the business of design consultancy. Further, the study discusses the implications of such findings and offers suggestions for future research.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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