


The Servicescape Attributes and Consumer Perceived Quality-Evidence from Theme Restaurants




李志仁(Chih-Jen Lee);宋同正(Tung-Jung Sung);蔡登傳(Deng-Chuan Cai)


主題餐廳 ; 服務場域 ; 品質知覺 ; Kano品質模式 ; Theme Restaurant ; Servicescape ; Perceived quality ; Kano Model




17卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 20






Theme restaurants are primarily run by spatial planning, decor and entertainment arrangements, with a distinctive theme or specific style to attract consumers and create a value to the minds of consumers. However, after a rapid growth in popularity in the early to mid-1990s, theme restaurants began to lose market share, and many once popular brands were forced to downsize. Most of the theme restaurant owners believe that there are the causal relationships between dazzling space decorations and improvement of business objectives. Although they have inputted a lot of restructure funds, some can achieve the profit goals but others can not be survived. It is urgent to clarify the causes of this phenomenon. Furthermore, previous studies have often been focused on the linear relationship between servicescape and consumers' quality perception; few are found in distinguishing the attributes of servicescape. To verify the consumers' needs of different levels, Kano model is employed to explore the different quality attributes classification. Results reveal that theme restaurant servicescape attributes possess attractive quality, one-dimensional quality, must-be quality and indifferent quality categories, and they can help explain how to pursue higher consumer satisfaction under the performance of different quality attributes. To confront the business competitions, and concern of the limitation of resources, the more important servicescape attributes should be executed earlier, in order to enhance the consumer satisfaction.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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