


Beyond Subjectivity: The Practice Research of Web-Based Peer Assessment for College Art and Design Courses


劉光夏(Kuang-Hsia Liu)


網路同儕互評 ; 藝術設計課堂 ; 評量規準 ; Web-Based Peer Assessment ; Art and Design Courses ; Scoring Rubrics




26卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


69 - 92






Web-based peer assessment can promote critical thinking and help students construct their knowledge, solve problems, and develop lifelong learning skills. However, research on its application in college art and design courses is scarce, and the influence of web-based peer assessment on students' attitudes, viewpoints, and learning outcomes remains unclear. This study investigated changes in students' perceptions and learning effectiveness through the implementation of peer assessment on 37 first-year students from a digital image creation course. Ee-class online learning platforms were used to allow students to conduct peer assessment of their work based on scoring rubrics, and to analyze data on their learning process through questionnaires, feedback forms, interviews, and reflective journals. The results indicate that peer assessment demonstrates 1) high acceptability, by stimulating creative thinking and art appreciation; 2) fairness, by reducing grading injustice and promoting objective assessment based on web-based peer assessment and grading criteria; and 3) benefits of a diverse learning environment. This study serves as a reference for web-based peer assessment implementation and subsequent research.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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