As previous researches claim, underwriters have incentives to stabilize IPOs' initial performance. To avoid unexpected failure, most underwriters, nevertheless, do not reveal relevant information on stabilizing operations. Grounding on the attribute of opacity, we incorporate price volatility into our model, reverting to the essence of price stabilization, to investigate if such act sways IPOs' performance. The other substantial purpose of this study is to differentiate whether underwriters try to diminish the depth of information asymmetry or simply manipulate initial IPOs' price through the implication of price stabilization. We, thus, re-examine the results from the perspective of long-term performance of IPOs. Our empirical work indicates that IPOs which satisfy the criteria of price stabilization do not suffer significant inferior long-term returns yet with poor initial performance. Our evidence demonstrates that price stabilization has definite dedication to steady security price on the early stage of an IPO.
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