


Instructional Framework and Its Design for the New Millennium




陳年興(Nian-Shing Chen);石岳峻(Yueh-Chun Shih)


教學架構 ; 教學設計 ; 學習評量 ; 網路教學 ; 遠距教學 ; Instructional Framework ; Instructional Design ; Learning Evaluation ; Web-based Learning ; Distance Education




7卷2期(2001 / 01 / 01)


81 - 101




本研究之目的為提出一新的教學架構,以因應教學環境在新世紀來臨時所面對的衝擊,這些衝擊包括:教育典範的轉移,已從傳統以老師為中心的教學轉變成以學生為中心的自主學習模式;及下一世紀對學生所應具備之能力的要求提昇;還有漸漸形成關於教與學的各項新的因素。基於上述三項衝擊,本文提出一個符合新世紀需求的教學架構,我們稱之為「新世紀教學架構」。 本架構特別強調教學設計與學習方法的重要性,為本架構的核心,而為了得到較好的教學設計與學習方法,教師與學生都必須詳加考慮學習理論、學習特質、學習環境及學習成效評量等因素。本架構不僅可提供教師一個完整的輪廓及教學設計藍圖,更能作為教學研究者研究相關議題時的參考分析架構。本研究最後並實際運用此架構進行教學設計,實施於網路碩士學分班的課程中,成效相當良好。


The aim of this study is to propose a new instructional framework to accommodate the impacts to educational environment in the new millennium. Those impacts include the shift of educational paradigm; shifting from traditional teacher-centered teaching to student- centered learning, the changing of students required capabilities and skills in the new millennium and the emerging new factors on teaching and learning. Based on the three impacts mentioned above, we have proposed an instructional framework which is called ”Instructional Framework for the New Millennium'. In the framework, we emphasize the importance of instructional designs and learning methods, which are the core of the new framework. To have better designs and good methods, teachers and students need to take learning theory, learning trait, learning environment and learning performance all into consideration. Hope the proposed framework can provide a complete figure and blueprint for teachers to do instructional designs and can be a good reference model for researchers to explore further related issues. We also conducted a course by adopting this framework to evaluate its feasibility and validity, the result is sound.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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