


Building e-Business from Knowledge Management Perspective:-A Conceptual Framework and Proposition Development




蔡明田(Ming-Tien Tsai);李國瑋(Kuo-Wei Lee);余明助(Ming-Chu Yu)


知識管理 ; 電子化企業 ; 知識管理程序觀點 ; knowledge management ; e-Business ; KM process perspective




12卷3期(2005 / 07 / 01)


159 - 188




台灣企業在面臨科技進步與後進國家帶來的強大競爭壓力下,藉由電子化企業的建置以提升競爭優勢已顯得刻不容緩。以知識管理觀點,電子化企業實為組織外顯知識之一環,故電子化企業的建置,不僅是資訊技街的應用,更是組織商業流程與know-how知識的建構。而企業如何藉由系統的建置以發揮系統效能,事實上即為企業如何將管理知識建構為外顯知識、和運用外顯知識以發揮知識效能的過程。 本研究期能藉由知識管理程序觀點(process perspective)探討電子化企業建置,以提供業界電子化建置的嶄新思維。過去,在知識管理與電子化企業的相關探討上,諸多研究指出電子化企業(e-Business)是推行知識管理的基礎架構,如Intranet對知識分享的助益與影響。然而企業電子化不只是推動公司知識管理重要工具,更是今日企業重要優勢來源。故本研究擬針對知識管理程序觀點與建置電子化企業關鍵成功因素進行探討,期能藉由兩者相關性研究,探討程序觀點對於電子化建置之正面意涵,並據以發展出以「知識管理程序觀點」為基礎的電子化企業建置模式。


As Taiwan's enterprises face the intense competition brought about by technological developments and developing countries, it is critical for Taiwan to create competitive advantage through electronic business (e-Business). From the perspective of knowledge management (KM), electronic systems constitute one kind of explicit knowledge. This implies that such systems involve not only the application and usage of information technology, but also the construction of business processes and organizational know-how. In fact, the process of how a business achieves system efficiency by developing its e-Business also refers to the process of how a business constructs and applies explicit knowledge to achieve knowledge efficiency. The purpose of this research is to study the building of e-Business from KM process perspective. Earlier research that examined the interaction between e-Business and knowledge management mostly viewed e-Business as the infrastructure for implementing knowledge management. For example, the Intranet was seen as being useful for knowledge sharing. However, e-Business is not only an important tool for KM, but is also an important source of competitive advantage. This study attempts to investigate the relationship between the KM process perspective and key factors for building a successful e-Business, with a view to developing a framework to build e-business based on KM process perspective.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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